Аннотация (abstract)
Основными разделами аннотации являются следующие (часто их называют moves):
- общий контекст исследования (some background information)
- цель исследования и масштаб исследования
- описание методологии исследования
- наиболее значимые результаты исследования
- заключение, вывод, или рекомендации
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Use Of A Writing Web-Site By Pre-Masters Students On An English for Academic Purposes Course.
A. J. Gillett, University of Hertfordshire
1.During the last 10 years, use of the World-Wide-Web for educational purposes has increased dramatically. 2. However, very little empirical research has been carried out to determine the effectiveness of this use. 3. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate the effectiveness of using the World-Wide-Web on an EAP writing course. 4. Two groups of students were taught writing by two different methods: one group was taught by a teacher in a traditional classroom, while a second group included use of an on-line web-site in their course. 5.The two groups were assessed in the same way after a twelve-week period of instruction. 6.Results of the assessment showed significant differences between the two groups, the group that used the on-line web-site performing much better on all aspects of the test. 7.This suggests that the use of computer assisted learning programmes for at least some of the teaching time available can be recommended for EAP writing courses.
Очень важно знать о том, что переход к каждому разделу в аннотации (moves), должен быть введен при помощи определенных слов-сигналов, которые позволят Вам максимально точно описать, а читателю легче воспринять Ваш текст.Посмотрите на этот же пример аннотации и слова-сигналы, которые использовал автор.
1. During the last 10 years, use of the World-Wide-Web for educational purposes has increased dramatically. 2 . However, very little empirical research has been carried out to determine the effectiveness of this use. 3 . The aim of this study was therefore to investigate the effectiveness of using the World-Wide-Web on an EAP writing course. 4 . Two groups of students were taught writing by two different methods: one group was taught by a teacher in a traditional classroom, while a second group included use of an on-line web-site in their course. 5. The two groups were assessed in the same way after a twelve-week period of instruction. 6. Results of the assessment showed significant differences between the two groups, the group that used the on-line web-site performing much better on all aspects of the test. 7. This suggests that the use of computer assisted learning programmes for at least some of the teaching time available can be recommended for EAP writing courses
Учтите также, что:
1) В аннотации не должно быть ничего, чего нет в самой статье.
2) Аннотация это не введение. Статья должна представлять собой автономный текст, независящий от аннотации. Аннотация должна быть написана после того, как закончена статья.
3) Аннотация состоит из одного абзаца и является автономной.
4) В аннотации не должно быть никакой визуальной информации, цифр и ссылок, если только по какой-либо причине не нужно упомянуть названий другой научной работы.
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