Anna Shirokanova has contributed a chapter to a book titled “Dynamic of the Value-Normative System and Life Chances: Post-Soviet Transformation Experience in the Borderland”
The book deals with the analysis of life values in Belarus and Ukraine in the 1990s and 2000s and the effects of value transformations in trust, social solidarity and life chances in these two countries now situated between the European Union and Russia.
Anna’s contribution was based on her project “Individualization and Social Solidarities in Post-Communist Europe” that she carried out in 2011-2012 at the LCSR.
This book is the result of two-year joint project funded by the Center for Advanced Studies and Education in Vilnius, Lithuania.
The co-authors are two other alumni of the OSI-HESP Seminar “European Visions and Divisions: Comparative Studies for Advances in Teaching Sociology” (led by Claire Wallace, U of Aberdeen, Olga Kutsenko and Andriy Gorbachyk, National T. Shevchenko U), Olena Muradyan (project leader) from Kharkiv National U (Ukraine), Svitlana Salnikova from L. Ukrainka East European National U (Ukraine), and a professor of Belarusian State U, national investigator of the European Values Study 1999 for Belarus Larissa Titarenko.
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