Tag "Reporting an event"

Career Week in HSE St.Petersburg. Was It Worthy To Participate?

Career Week in HSE St.Petersburg. Was It Worthy To Participate?
What events took place during Career week in HSE SPB campus?

Día de Muertos: The Day of The Dead with HSE Latin American Club

Día de Muertos: The Day of The Dead with HSE Latin American Club
A member of HSE Latin American Club on organisation and celebration of the holiday.

Forever A Student

Forever A Student
HSE Gallery presents a new exhibition by Alexander Djikia. It is about time, youth, self-discovery and student life.

SDS X PARTY: Traditions Mixed With Updates

SDS X PARTY: Traditions Mixed With Updates
Here the students from all faculties met – what is this party and how it was?

Meet&Greet HSE: How To Make Friends Around The World

Meet&Greet HSE: How To Make Friends Around The World
What if I say that you can find an international friend? Just visit one of the Meet&Greet HSE meetings.

Canis Therapy on Mental Health Day

Canis Therapy on Mental Health Day
It is not a secret that dogs can boost our mood or even make us feel better. But did you know that they can help people with disabilities and mental illness?

Art Festivals Abound

Art Festivals Abound
Some tips on where to find information about art festivals from students with recent experience.

HSE French Club 10.10 Roundtable Summary

HSE French Club 10.10 Roundtable Summary
How does it feel to talk about ambivertism with a native speaker?

Taking Flight - First Steps Into The Media Industry

Taking Flight - First Steps Into The Media Industry
First-year media students to launch diverse and daring projects, find out how you can help and what rewards await.

Effective Summer Break. Summer School Experience and Advices

Effective Summer Break. Summer School Experience and Advices
Summer school as a unique opportunity to spend your summer break in an effective way.