Career Week in HSE St.Petersburg. Was It Worthy To Participate?
On the 18th-23th of November Career week was held in the Saint-Petersburg campus. This is an amazing opportunity for students to find internship in the large companies. Also, this is beneficial event for both sides: students need practice to implement skills they got from lessons and courses, while companies’ HR could recruit young & perspective talents!
Career week is organised by Career centre with the help of active students and volunteers, department that is responsible for providing students with information about jobs prospects. Very well-prepared activity, one of the most favourite and memorable for those who care about the future from the youth!
How does Career week work
This is a set of various types of communication events for students and employers. The whole week from Monday to Saturday is full of them. For more convenience, they are distributed among faculties’ buildings, but most of them are in the main one on Kantemirovskaya street.
Workshops, lectures, individual HR consultations, internship competitions, case-discussions, round tables, meetings with professionals, stand sessions - all of them are the part of Career week. What is more, in official VK group and in Instagram account the schedule is posted. Here comes time & place, title, link for registration (to avoid overcrowding), description of activity and speakers as well.
What is special about Autumn career week-2019
This year, TOP management companies came to HSE to find smart staff and, comparing with previous Career weeks, they amount have been enlarged. They are: Deloitte, Unilever, Uniqlo, PwC, Skyeng, Danone, VTB, Sberbank, VEEAM, Baltika and others. They are HSE partners and providing working places for students is a usual practice for them, because they are sure about local students’ qualities.
Moreover, not only managers communicate with students, but also graduates of the School of Economics and Management and School of Social Sciences and Area Studies. HSE graduates who got working experience immediately after gaining diploma shared their thoughts and insights with new generation: what to pay attention, how not to be afraid of the future and so on.
Another useful opportunity to improve awareness are lectures like “Quantitative analyst: profession or vocation?”, “Digital marketing trends”. “Project governance” and “Business developments on East: job prospects for students”.
There were also master-classes: career game lawyers vs consulting, training “How to find job”, expert sessions on Analytics, face-to-face dialogues.
Also, there was a discussion group with Councils for those who interested in politics. Last day was for case-championship with fast-track internship in Consulting company as main prize.
Main insights
If summarize everything mentioned by specialists - never lose time and possibilities! Try yourself at activities, be ambitious, responsible and reliable. It is fine not to know something, you still have time to gain knowledge. Recruits look at your qualities, your readiness to study, your wish to develop and skill to solve problems yourself. Read, visit public talks, communicate with well-educated people and find your own way. Always believe in yourself and others will feel it!
Text by
Anastasiia Vanchurina