Time Management: Improving Your Efficiency At The University
Being a student is the most active and advantageous period of life.
You need to juggle studying, partying, your friends, boy- and girlfriends and sometimes even work or nascent business. How to manage to combine everything you need with what you want? First of all, you need to understand that time management won’t help your laziness or passivity because if you’ll just wait and do nothing, you’ll wait for the rest of your life. Time management is necessary in order to make the best use of your abilities and to make you not to be distracted by external circumstances. You need it when you really want to do everything and even more.
Basic tips for those who want to manage their time more effectively
Make it a rule to schedule the day before. You can do it just in notes on your phone or in the old manner – in a notebook.
You should write down your goals and main steps to make them come true.
Be flexible: if something on your to-do list is canceled (such as a meeting), use the free time productively. Change your plans if it is possible.
Highlight the most important things for the day. You should do them first, without postponing for another day. Remember that the most difficult things are usually the most important, so by delaying them you are delaying your personal progress.
Remember about the consequences of your actions. It is always necessary to focus on the future, and unfulfilled tasks often produce negative consequences.
Make it a rule to plan your tasks related to study in advance, work or leisure time. Therefore, you will save yourself a lot of emotional stress.
Make a list of things you waste your time on during the day: social media, magazines, useless chatting with friends, lying on the couch, etc. Calculate how much time you spend on such things – this calculation is a good motivator to get rid of such "bad habits".
Divide your activity into large groups: studying, working, family, self-care, etc. Save time for each sphere.
Before you start working on a project, writing an important essay or anything else you need to do, make yourself comfortable: you need to have everything you need around, removing all unnecessary stuff. You should feel as comfortable as possible.
Divide each serious task into smaller parts or steps: they are much easier to do and the work will gradually get moving.
If you follow the rules of time management, which you compile yourself, you can quickly form useful habits of using your own time as efficiently as possible.
Text by
Anna Zhuravleva