HSE University Students Enjoy Uzbek Hospitality at International Summer School in Tashkent

HSE University students have taken part in the ‘Uzbekistan—Land of Tolerance’ International Summer School. The event was held in July in Tashkent at the Mirzo Ulugbek National University of Uzbekistan, a partner of HSE University. The HSE University students shared their impressions of the local sights and hospitality.

HSE University Students Enjoy Uzbek Hospitality at International Summer School in Tashkent

© HSE University

HSE University students have taken part in the ‘Uzbekistan—Land of Tolerance’ International Summer School. The event was held in July in Tashkent at the Mirzo Ulugbek National University of Uzbekistan, a partner of HSE University. The HSE University students shared their impressions of the local sights and hospitality.

The organisers of the school set themselves the important goal of immersing the students in the culture and history of Uzbekistan. To achieve this, they designed a programme of master classes, lectures, and excursions that included a visit to Bukhara, one of the most beautiful and ancient cities in Central Asia. Applicants to the International Summer School had to undergo a selection process. Among the successful candidates were students from several Russian universities, including HSE University.

At the first meeting of the summer school, the participants gave small presentations on their universities, shared their impressions of Uzbekistan, and listened to a lecture on ‘New Uzbekistan: Economics, Politics, and Culture’. The following day, the students got to know Tashkent better, and visited the Amir Timur Museum and the State Museum of the History of Uzbekistan.

Ivan Prostakov, HSE University Vice Rector

‘We are grateful to our colleagues from the National University of Uzbekistan for giving HSE University students the opportunity to take part in the “Uzbekistan—Land of Tolerance” International Summer School. It is a wonderful initiative that gives young people a chance to learn more about Uzbekistan, its traditions and culture, and to get to know students and teachers of the National University. Mobility programmes like this are invaluable in shaping professionals who are open to the world.' 

The HSE University Vice Rector also expressed his hope that the teachers, researchers, and students of the National University of Uzbekistan would visit HSE University in the near future as part of cooperation programmes.

The Mirzo Ulugbek National University of Uzbekistan is one of the largest and oldest higher education institutions in Uzbekistan. Founded in 1918, it was the first Soviet university to open in Central Asia. The National University is a classical, multidisciplinary university that offers a wide range of subject areas, from journalism and economics to chemistry and philosophy. The university’s structure encompasses laboratories, museums (including geological and zoological museums), a Botanical Garden and a Palace of Culture.

HSE University students Andrey Vovk (third-year student of the Bachelor’s in Asian and African Studies at HSE University-St Petersburg) and Anna Bykadorova (fourth-year student of the Bachelor’s in Economics and Statistics at HSE University-Moscow) shared their impressions of Tashkent and the local hospitality:

Andrey’s most vivid memory is of Bukhara: ‘The historical centre of the city is brimming with ancient history—it has been preserved practically in its original form. We stayed in a hotel located in what used to be Bukhara’s Jewish quarter. I was impressed by the grand Kalyan minaret, which towers over the city, as well as the imposing walls of the Ark fortress.’

Anna believes that any trip is an opportunity to expand one’s worldview, and had never visited a Central Asian country before. She thought a trip to Uzbekistan would be unusual and fascinating, and this visit lived up to her expectations. ‘The locals amaze you with their kindness and willingness to help,’ she said. ‘When we decided to visit a market in Bukhara by ourselves, we asked passers-by for directions. One woman led us to the market while talking about the city and its sights, then helped us talk to the vendors. What’s more, this was in 45-degree heat and we were walking for more than three hours. In the end, she invited us to her home and introduced us to her family. It was an unforgettable experience.’