International Conference on Economics and Culture
On November 10−15, the IV International Conference ‘Cultural and Economic Changes in a Comparative Perspective’ took place in St. Petersburg. Organized by HSE’s Laboratory for Comparative Social Research, the conference has traditionally brought together Russian and foreign scholars working on issues of values, trust, social capital, corruption and inequality in a changing world, as well as the role of religion in political activity and other social issues in Russia and other countries.
IV LCSR Annual Conference Has Started
Today, on the 10th of November, the 4th International Annual Research Conference (2014): “Cultural and Economic changes under cross-national perspective”has started in St. Petersburg. Members of the LCSR research network will present their projects on more than dozen thematic panels devoted to urgent social, political and economic issues. The conference also includes plenary sessions where renowned social scientists will give lecturers.
HSE Professor Christian Welzel awarded 2014 Stein Rokkan Prize
Christian Welzel, leading professor at the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (LCSR) HSE St Petersburg received the 2014 Stein Rokkan Prize for Comparative Social Science Research in recognition of his book «Freedom Rising: Human Empowerment and the Quest for Emancipation».
The International Master’s Programme in Comparative Social Research
The HSE Faculty of Sociology and the Laboratory of Comparative Social Research are delighted to announce the founding of the International Master’s Programme in Comparative Social Research, which is geared towards ambitious students who want to build careers as sociologists in academia and research institutions.
Presentation of a new report 'Soviet Nationalism in the Historical and Comparative Perspective'
The Laboratory for Comparative Social Research at the HSE Saint Petersburg opened the 2013 Fall seminar series today. Andrey Shcherbak, senior research fellow at LCSR presented a report on 'Soviet Nationalism in the Historical and Comparative Perspective'. He gave a short description of the major findings of his report to the HSE news service.