VII International Research Conference "Usable Pasts"
Applications for participation in the VII International Scientific Conference “Usable Pasts” organized by the Department of History of the Higher School of Economics – St. Petersburg and the Student Research Society, are open by February 15, 2022.

International interdisciplinary conference "Empire, territorial states and local communities in ethnic and national dimension"
We are pleased to inform you that in February 3-4, 2022 Institute of History of Saint Petersburg State University together with the Department of History of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Saint Petersburg, will be holding an international interdisciplinary conference "Empire, territorial states and local communities in ethnic and national dimension."

Summer school “Russian Empire/Soviet Union through the Lens of Global and New Imperial Histories” in Tyumen
The Center for Historical Research co-organized with the Journal Ab Imperio and Tyumen State University a summer school “Russian Empire/Soviet Union through the Lens of Global and New Imperial Histories”

Applications for the Workshop “Imperial Revolution of 1917” Are Invited
Joint Workshop of “Ab Imperio” Journal and the Center for Historical Research, Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg will be held on June 9-10 (deadline for the applications is April 13).
The workshop will be dedicated to exploration of imperial dimensions in the making of the revolution of 1917, the breakup of empire, and the legacy of imperial politics and society for the post-imperial period, including the varieties of post-imperial political imaginaries in the comparative and global context.
International Student Research Forum 2017
The International Student Research Forum was organized this year from 2nd and 3rd February 2017 at the National Research University Higher School of Economics in Saint Petersburg.

International Student Research Forum 2017
On February, 2-3 senior Bachelor and Master’s degree students of the Department of History wil take part the session "Usable Pasts" within the framework of the International Student Research Conference