Transcaucasian Model of Diversity Governing: a Talk by Etienne Peyrat
On February 15, 2019 the Center for Historical Research at the HSE in St Petersburg hosted an ERA.Net research seminar. Etienne Peyrat (Sciences Po Lille) presented his talk "Imperial transition and regional integration in the South Caucasus (1900s-1930s)"
The open lecture of Alexander Kamenskii
On the 6th of September Alexander Kamensky gave a lecture on the XVIII century, the central topic of which was the social history and self-identification of people of that time. The lecturer provided historiographical background, as well as general historical context, starting from the creation of the society of Anton Glen up to the Soviet historiography.
Joint Research Summer School of the Free University Berlin, Humboldt University Berlin, and HSE in St. Petersburg
From May 27 - June 2, 2018, HSE in St. Petersburg hosted International Research Summer School "History of Empires in a Global Age, 1870 - 1920". The School was co-organized by the Free University of Berlin and Humboldt University, Berlin.
A New Routledge Series
Routledge, the world's leading academic publisher in the Humanities and Social Sciences, launches a new series on Imperial Hisrory: Imperial Transformations – Russian, Soviet and Post-Soviet History. Series' editors are the Head of the Working group of the International Research Project "Comparative Historical Studies of Empire and Nationalism" Professor Alexander Semyonov, and the Head of the Project Professor Ronald G.Suny.
Boundaries of History
In this issue of The HSE Look, we would like to focus on three of the many seminar series which are held at HSE, and we are glad to present the interview with Alexander Semyonov about the seminar Boundaries of History at HSE St. Petersburg.
BA Students Join a Field Trip to Germany
Students of the BA programme in History at the Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg together with the professors of the Department of History went on a field trip to Germany. Students together with Alexander Semyonov, Anton Kotenko and Dietmar Wulff visited Bonn University, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, and University of Leipzig. The field trip was supported by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). The theme of the trip was 'The Empire in a Global History'.
The Legacies of 1917
Ivan Sablin, Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Historical Research, participated in the conference “Beyond 1917: Socialism, Power, and Social Change in Global Perspective,” which was held on May 13–14, 2017, at the University of Oxford.
Workshop “Teaching Global and Transnational History” Was Held at the Norwegian University Center in St Petersburg
On April, 4, 2017 at the Norwegian University Center in St Petersburg was held a workshop “Teaching Global and Transnational History.” The workshop was organized by the Center for Historical Research HSE St Petersburg, Department of History HSE St Petersburg,Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History, University of Oslo and the Norwegian University Center in St. Petersburg as a part of the research seminar “Boundaries of History.”
Applications for the Workshop “Imperial Revolution of 1917” Are Invited
Joint Workshop of “Ab Imperio” Journal and the Center for Historical Research, Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg will be held on June 9-10 (deadline for the applications is April 13).
The workshop will be dedicated to exploration of imperial dimensions in the making of the revolution of 1917, the breakup of empire, and the legacy of imperial politics and society for the post-imperial period, including the varieties of post-imperial political imaginaries in the comparative and global context.
Partnership with University of Jyvaskyla
Alexander Semyonov took part in the faculty exchange as part of the partnership between the department of history HSE St Petersburg at the department of history and ethnology of the University of Jyvaskyla that has been supported for the second year by the grant from the Center for International Education (Finland).