Teaching Quality Assessment 2022-2023. Module 1.
Till October 23, 2022 HSE students will have an opportunity to assess the quality of their teachers’ work.

Yandex 360 Digital Services Available to all HSE University Students
The HSE IT Office is implementing Russian equivalents of digital services

Situation Centre Created at HSE University
On February 25, at the initiative of the Student Council, a Situation Centre was created at HSE University. HSE University – St. Petersburg administration and the Student Council will take part in the joint organisation of the work of the Situation Centre. Psychologists, lawyers, employees of educational offices and other HSE departments will be involved in the work at the Centre.
Working at the Center for Historical Research in the pandemic: Nadezhda Tikhonova and Xenia Cherkaev share their experience
Research fellows Nadezhda Tikhonova, Candidate of Sciences in History of Asian and African countries, and Xenia Cherkaev, PhD in Anthropology, who have been recruited for postdoctoral positions in framework of the postdoctoral programs of HSE, will continue their work at the Center for Historical Research in the 2021/2022 academic year. Xenia and Nadezhda shared their experience after the first work year at HSE – St. Petersburg.
The VI International Summer school of the Department of History "The Topography of Imperial Power" held successfully in the offline format
On September 05-27, 16 students from German universities took part in the International Summer School of the Department of History ‘The Topography of Imperial Power: The Political and Cultural Space of St. Petersburg’ organized in cooperation with the Department of the History of Eastern Europe (Georg-August University of Göttingen) with generous support of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). This is one of few international summer schools in 2021 held at HSE offline.

The New Academic Year at HSE University – St. Petersburg
The HSE St. Petersburg administration has issued an order ‘On the specifics of organizing the educational process with the participation of students and postgraduates of HSE University – St. Petersburg in the 2021–2022 academic year’. The order outlines measures to protect students from COVID-19 for the 2021/2022 academic year.

The New Academic Year to Begin In-Person for Everyone
In light of the epidemiological situation, the new academic year is to begin in a face-to-face format on all HSE University campuses. Established safety measures remain in place.
Сonference «Languages of Describing the 'Social' in the Мedieval and Early Modern Europe»
The Department of History at the Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg is holding an international conference «Languages of describing the 'social' in the medieval and early modern Europe» in September, 16-17, 2021.