
The New Academic Year at HSE University – St. Petersburg
The HSE St. Petersburg administration has issued an order ‘On the specifics of organizing the educational process with the participation of students and postgraduates of HSE University – St. Petersburg in the 2021–2022 academic year’. The order outlines measures to protect students from COVID-19 for the 2021/2022 academic year.

Twelth meeting of research group: the image of Other on the example of french periodics and enlish colonial "travelogues"
On january 28th another meeting of the research group «Languages for Describing the Other in Early Modern Europe: Social Contexts and Repertoires of Interpretation» was held.

International Opportunities Online: Joint Courses Bring HSE’s and International Students Together
Call for Applications for the development and delivery of joint online courses with international partner universities completed at HSE University — St. Petersburg at the end of December. Now students of five educational programmes can take courses developed by lecturers from HSE and partner universities. Students of partner universities will take the courses along with students of HSE University — St. Petersburg.

Registration for HSE's Optional Courses of the Second Semester Open for Everyone
On December 17, registration for open optional courses will start on the HSE online education platform. All courses will be online and open to everyone, regardless of age and level of education.