Tag "Reporting an event"
'Today Was a Very Happy and Nostalgic Day': How the Main Celebration of HSE University-St Petersburg Graduates Went
On June 30, HSE University-St Petersburg gathered almost 5000 guests at KSK 'Arena' for the main event of this summer—graduation 2024. Bachelor's and master's students were congratulated by their friends and family, professors and faculty deans as well as HSE University-St Petersburg trustees. The diplomas of HSE University-St Petersburg were awarded to more than 1400 people, and 280 of them received the diplomas with honours. Find out what we will remember this festive day for in the article.
Twelth meeting of research group: the image of Other on the example of french periodics and enlish colonial "travelogues"
On january 28th another meeting of the research group «Languages for Describing the Other in Early Modern Europe: Social Contexts and Repertoires of Interpretation» was held.
Between Pathos and Populism. Politics of Memory and Culture of Remembrance in Modern Germany
The study trip of a students group of the History Department to Berlin from May 2 to May 9 was organized with the support of DAAD associate professor Dietmar Wulff and the manager of the Center for Historical Research Vadim Popov. The seminar entitled «Between Pathos and Populism» was devoted to studying the conceptions of the memorial culture and historical policy in modern Germany.
Sexism and Racism in 20th Century British Football: March in the Richard Stites Memorial Historical Library
The Centre for Historical Research and the HSE in St Petersburg Bachelor's Programme 'History' carry on the joint students' project on promoting the Richard Stites Memorial Historical Library