
Research seminar: “”Latvians” in Livonia, Ingria and Karelia: describing diversity in early modern time”.
On October 2, during the tenth session of the research seminar “Languages for Describing the Other in Early Modern Europe: Social Contexts and Repertoires of Interpretation” a PhD student of Saint Petersburg State University Dmitry Verkhovtcev presented his paper “”Latvians” in Livonia, Ingria and Karelia: describing diversity in early modern time”.

The nineth meeting of research group: discussing the results and assignment of preprint-groups
On September 18, during the ninth session of the research seminar “Languages for Describing the Other in Early Modern Europe: Social Contexts and Repertoires of Interpretation” the participants presented their research reports and created three new groups which will be preparing the preprints.
Students Can Do a Trial Run of Proctored Exams
Taking an optional trial test will help you better prepare for your online proctored exams

Workshop "Russia in the World in the Imperial Era (1650-1917)" is postponed for summer 2021
The workshop will be supported by the Frederick Paulsen Foundation. Within the framework of the conference program, the London School of Economics and the Center for Historical Research of the National Research University Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg will be able to bring together the most promising young and recognized scholars of Imperial Russia.
From Text to Number
At the end of August, the Department of History of the School of Arts and Humanities of the HSE University - St. Petersburg together with the Student Scientific Society of the History programme wrapped up their Summer School, 'Turns in the Social Sciences and Humanities: from Text to Number'.
Seminar on November 28, 2018
On November 28, a research seminar of the reseacrh and study group “Bishops, Doji and Merchants: Texts of Italian Medieval Cities of the XIII-XV Centuries” took place.
Between Pathos and Populism. Politics of Memory and Culture of Remembrance in Modern Germany
The study trip of a students group of the History Department to Berlin from May 2 to May 9 was organized with the support of DAAD associate professor Dietmar Wulff and the manager of the Center for Historical Research Vadim Popov. The seminar entitled «Between Pathos and Populism» was devoted to studying the conceptions of the memorial culture and historical policy in modern Germany.
Nikolay Karamzin and the Red Army: February Anniversaries in the Richard Stites Memorial Historical Library
The Centre for Historical Research and the HSE in St Petersburg Bachelor's Programme 'History' carry on the joint students' project on promoting the Richard Stites Memorial Historical Library