Tag "partnerships"
International Opportunities Online: Joint Courses Bring HSE’s and International Students Together
Call for Applications for the development and delivery of joint online courses with international partner universities completed at HSE University — St. Petersburg at the end of December. Now students of five educational programmes can take courses developed by lecturers from HSE and partner universities. Students of partner universities will take the courses along with students of HSE University — St. Petersburg.
Interview with a International student Mariona Sero
There is a student mobility programme in HSE - St.Petersburg that allows students from different countries study in Russia. Nowadays, students from Spain Mariona Sero and Berta Valles have courses with russian students of programme History. Mariona Sero gave the interview on how she experience students’ life in Higher School of Economics – Saint-Petersburg.
Between Pathos and Populism. Politics of Memory and Culture of Remembrance in Modern Germany
The study trip of a students group of the History Department to Berlin from May 2 to May 9 was organized with the support of DAAD associate professor Dietmar Wulff and the manager of the Center for Historical Research Vadim Popov. The seminar entitled «Between Pathos and Populism» was devoted to studying the conceptions of the memorial culture and historical policy in modern Germany.