TED Talks To Watch

Advice on what HSE students can watch to broaden their horizons and learn new practical tips.

TED Talks To Watch

HSE students are very fond of watching Ted Talks. If someone else has not heard about these amazing lectures, then in short, then TED Talks is the name of lectures that have been perfomed by the smartest and most famous people of the planet since 1984 as part of the TED project which can be found in the public domain (for example, on YouTube and the official website of TED Talks).

The decoding of this abbreviation sounds like Technology, EnTerTainmenT, Design. TED-style performances have become a very popular format all over the world which has led to an interesting phenomenon of the movement of national TED conferences. In many countries, including Russia and other countries, TED Talk-type projects have been created and are successfully developing. These conferences are called TEDx.

In order not to waste your time searching for new cool TED videos, we have collected for you the top 5 useful TED Talks. Take a pen, notebook and write down what speakers have said. They share with you their insights and secrets of success.

You can notice for yourself in the TED speeches not only something useful from the material itself, but also from the presentation of information and the self-presentation of the speakers. Watching how they expertly hold the attention of the audience, structure their thoughts and convey their ideas to a large audience, you can notice at what moments and how to keep in touch with the audience and use dramatic pauses. Speakers prove by their example that one should not be afraid to joke and defuse the situation. It is also very important to pay attention to the non-verbal gestures of the speakers, which help make the whole audience listen to you with bated breath without words. Since you will often have to give presentations at HSE not only to teachers but also to investors or potential employers. Watching these videos will increase your chances of success and allow you to upgrade your skills.

TED Talks: How to Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals - Stephen Duneier

Why you must to watch it: many people, especially young people, have many interesting and surprising ideas. The problem is that not all people are able to find application for their ambitions. In order to achieve your goals and turn your wish into reality, we recommend watching this video. Learn how to achieve any goal in 10 minutes a day, even if it’s a goal to take over the world and it seems to you that it is too big for you to succeed. Hear real speaker cases and get a huge boost of inspiration and practical tips on how to improve your life right now.

TED Talks: How to make work-life balance work - Nigel Marsh

Why you must to watch it: when you have a lot of responsibilities in the university, a busy schedule, the question arises of how to build a personal life and find the time for it. This question is answered by Nachel Marsh in this lecture.

TED Talks: Are you a giver or a taker? - Adam Grant

Why you must to watch it: In every workplace, there are three basic kinds of people: givers, takers and matchers. The lecturer, organizational psychologist, breaks down these personalities and offers simple strategies to promote a culture of generosity. This video is useful also for building team and keeping self-serving employees of your future company from taking more than their share.

TED Talks: How to speak up when you feel like you can’t - Adam Galinsky

Why you must to watch it: we are constantly in the team. For instance, we often have to work in a team during studying at the university, at work it is necessary to interact with colleagues, at school - with classmates. But contrary to what is reasonable, often in a team decisions are made not of the person who came up with the most reasonable and competent solution but the opinion of the person who knows how to defend his point of view. Therefore, if you want your opinion to be heard, if you want to develop leadership qualities in yourself, then you definitely need to protect your opinion. To do this, we recommend watching this video.

TED Talks: Creative thinking - how to get out of the box and generate ideas - Giovanni Corazza

Why you must to watch it: Corazza is a full-time professor at the Alma Mater Studiorum at the University of Bologna, a member of the Executive Council, and the founder of the Marconi Institute of Creativity. He teaches science and the applications of creative thinking. In HSE you will face a lot of activities, home tasks and cases which will necessitate to use your creativity if you want to be the best team or take the highest mark.

A bonus for our readers is a youtube channel where you can find many videos in English about specifics of life in Russia and the Russian mentality and many other interesting topics. For example, here is a link to the video is very relevant for the New Year. In Russia it is popular to give gifts to friends for the New Year, here is a list of what Russian students do not be needed to give: what should not be given to Russians. How not to accidentally offend Russians with a gift? What are superstitions and what is not relevant to give? Look for the answer to these and many other questions in the video below:

Link: youtube https://bit-ly.ru/xBJj

Text by
Anastasia Oleksenko