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Санкт-Петербургская школа экономики и менеджмента

Brown Bag SEMinar+ October 22 th , 2020 15:00 – 16:00 ZOOM

Приглашаем всех сотрудников и студентов ШЭМ присоединиться ко второй встрече научного семинара Brown Bag в четверг 22 октября. На семинаре выступит Евгений Антипов, к.э.н., доцент департамента менеджмента.


В своём докладе он сфокусируется на особенностях проведения каузальных исследований в маркетинге в ситуациях, когда нет возможности собрать экспериментальные данные.

Запись семинара также проводится и будет доступна в папке материалов семинаров

Расписание семинара:

Семинар пройдет на платформе ZOOM


Conference ID: 882 1073 6196

Code: 813794

October 22

15:00 - 16:00 // Methodological talk + research paper presentation

Title:  Causal Inference in Marketing

Author: Evgeny Antipov, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Management at HSE University in Saint-Petersburg

Abstract: Causal inference is always challenging in the absence of experimental data. The aim of the presentation is to motivate researchers to conduct causal modeling in their domains by showing several illustrative examples of real research conducted by the speaker and by other researchers as well.  The presentation will give an overview of some of the recent applications of various causal modeling techniques (other than the standard multiple regression) for isolating the effects of online ratings, coupon promotions, etc. on consumer demand in various industries. Methods including, but not limited to, regression discontinuity design and synthetic control groups will be discussed briefly. A carefully selected list of books and online resources for a quick start in modern causal inference will be suggested.

About speaker:

Evgeny Antipov, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Management at HSE University in Saint-Petersburg. He is a co-author of papers in Expert Systems with Applications, Judgment and Decision Making, International Journal of Hospitality Management and other internationally recognized peer-reviewed journals. His research interests include application of machine learning and econometric techniques in marketing analytics through the analysis of user-generated online content, pricing and sales data.

Новости и анонсы семинаров: https://t.me/BBSEMinar

Календарь мероприятий: 


Следующие семинары:

November – Topic TBA, Dmitry Rudenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics HSE StP