Приглашаем на семинары Brown Bag SEMinar в июне
10 июня выступит Ольга Окулова, аспирант департамента менеджмента и директор Центра международных аккредитаций и сетевых программ. Она расскажет о предварительных результатах своего исследования, сфокусированного на изучении значения международной аккредитации для бизнес-школ.
11 июня нас ждёт гостевая презентация исследования профессора Sami Vähämaa из University of Vaasa (School of Accounting and Finance). В своей работе он использует методы машинного обучения, чтобы выяснить, как привлекательность CEO связана с показателями оплаты труда.
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Timetable #10 Brown Bag SEMinar
June 10th // 15.00 – 16.00 // Doctoral study presentation (work in progress)
Title: “Is there the value of an international accreditation beyond quality? An empirical analysis of the AACSB accredited schools”
Speaker: Olga Okulova, doctoral student, director of the Centre for International Accreditations and Network Programmes
The competition among the business schools led to a growing demand for international accreditations that are claimed to send the signals of better quality. Previous studies identify a gap in evaluating if accreditation acts a signal to decrease the asymmetry of information in the market. The research is aimed to empirically analyze the value that AACSB accreditation provides for the business schools. The 2001-2018 panel data from AACSB International is used to explore if the accreditation send a positive signal to the market which is reflected in the performance. The preliminary findings support the hypothesis that accredited schools perform better than non-accredited schools. The research illustrates how the signaling theory is applied to the business education market and contributes to largely qualitative previous studies, providing evidence based on archival data.
June 11th // 14.00 – 15.00 // Guest research presentation
Title: "Facial Attractiveness and CEO Compensation: Evidence from the Banking Industry"
Speaker: Sami Vähämaa, PhD, Professor of Accounting and Finance, University of Vaasa
This paper examines the effect of facial attractiveness on the compensation of bank Chief Executive Officers (CEOs). Specifically, by utilizing machine learning to assess the facial appearance of the CEOs of large U.S. banks, we examine whether CEOs' salaries, total compensation, and performance-based compensation incentives are affected by their facial attractiveness. Consistent with the so-called beauty premium hypothesis, we find that good looks pay off for bank CEOs. While the CEOs' base salaries appear unrelated to facial attractiveness, we document that good looks are positively associated with total compensation and pay-performance sensitivity. Our results suggest that the total compensation of above-average looking bank CEOs is about 17 percent higher than the compensation of CEOs with below-average looks. Overall, our empirical findings provide evidence of a beauty premium in the executive labor market.