Tag "conferences & seminars"

“I got valuable comments on how I could improve my draft paper”
Daria Bobarykina, the second-year student of master's programme “Comparative Politics of Eurasia” participated in the conference held by Hamad bin Khalifa University in Doha, Qatar.

CPE students on the MGIMO conference
On 22-23 October, MGIMO University held the 1-st international forum “Russia-Africa: what next?”. Second-year students of “Comparative politics of Eurasia” programme Mikhail Grechishnikov and Mir-Ali Askerov participated in the conference and shared their experience.

Political Science on Vacation: How to Level Up
Anna Shabanova, a first-year student of the Master's programme 'Comparative Politics of Eurasia', has received funding from the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) for participating in a virtual summer school dedicated to political research methodology. Taking part in summer and winter schools of various international organisations is an auxiliary facility to deepen methodological and research skills.

Higher School of Economics Professors Exchanged Experience in Teaching Area Studies with Partners from the European Area Studies Network
Oleg Korneev, Academic Supervisor of the Programme “Comparative Politics of Eurasia”, represented Higher School of Economics is Saint Petersburg with a presentation.