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Research Internship

General Information

Research Internship at the Programme 'Comparative Politics of Eurasia'

The Research Internship are the part of every student's Individual Study Plan. The Internship is a special professional task, which is performed by a student. It lasts for several weeks according to the Study Plans. Students can do their Internships in HSE departments, centres and laboratories as well as in other organizations - their amount is limited only by the student's specialization.
The Internship place can be chosen by the student himself or by the Internship Supervisor, which is one of the Department professors. If a side organization is chosen for the Internship, a special agreement must be signed - please contact the Internship Supervisor for additional information.

Agreement Blank 

The Internship mark is given by the Internship Supervisor. It is based on the Internship Diary and Report, performed by the Student, as well as on the official feedback from the Organization Internhsip Supervisor.

Internship Diary and Report

The student also has to submit two documents in order to finish the Internship. These are the Internship Individual Task and the Internship Schedule with proper signatures from the Internship Supervisor from Organization.

Internship Individual Task Form

Internship Schedule Form

Number of Credits of the Internship

Students enrolled in 2021 - 6 credits.
Students enrolled in 2022 - 6 credits.

Internship Programme:

Research intenrship programme for students enrolled in 2022 with documents forms (DOCX, 38 Kb) 

Research intenrship programme for students enrolled in 2023 wih documents forms (DOCX, 37 Kb) 

Research intenrship programme for students enrolled in 2024  with documents forms (DOCX, 206 Kb)