Dr. Stefan Gužvica About Leninism Before Lenin
On December 6, the Centre for Historical Research held a seminar with a lecture by Dr. Stefan Gužvica (Associate Professor of the Department of History, HSE St. Petersburg.) entitled “Leninism before Lenin? Understanding the Revolutionary Conjuncture on the Periphery”.

Dr. Arturo Zoffmann Rodriguez on Spanish Anarchists and Revolutionary Emotions
On April 30, Dr. Arturo Zoffmann Rodriguez, a researcher and lecturer at the Institute of Contemporary History (IHC) at the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities/ IN2PAST, in Lisbon, Portugal, presented his book "The Spanish Anarchists and the Russian Revolution, 1917–24: Anguish and Enthusiasm" in the framework of the regular research seminar of the Center for Historical Research and the Department of History.

VII International Research Conference "Usable Pasts"
Applications for participation in the VII International Scientific Conference “Usable Pasts” organized by the Department of History of the Higher School of Economics – St. Petersburg and the Student Research Society, are open by February 15, 2022.

‘Boundaries of History’ Seminar Starts New Season of Meetings
On September 30, Stephen Riegg, Assistant Professor of History of the Texas A&M University, presented his book Russia’s Entangled Embrace: The Tsarist Empire and the Armenians, 1801-1914 at the first seminar of this year’s Boundaries of History series.We spoke with Professor Alexander Semyonov, the seminar chair and the Director of the HSE Centre for Historical Research, about the goals of the seminar and to Stephen Riegg about his research.

Alexander Semyonov's contribution to the project "Why Europe, which Europe?"
EuropeDebate provides a platform for a dialogue among historians about European history’s contributions to understanding the past and the present. Now Alexander Semyonov's article "Provincializing Europe, De-centering Europe, Hybridizing Europe" is available on the platform.

US Professor Speaks on Shifting Identities of Russian Repatriates from China
On September 5, Laurie Manchester, Associate Professor of History at Arizona State University, presented her paper on voluntary repatriation of Russians from China to the Soviet Union between 1935 and 1960. The presentation was part of the research seminar, ‘Boundaries of History’, held regularly by the Department of History at HSE University in St. Petersburg. HSE News Service spoke with Laurie Manchester about her research interests, collaborating with HSE faculty members, and the latest workshop.

"Boundaries of History": Laurie Manchester about Russians from Harbin
On September 5, the first seminar in this academic year, “The Shifting Identities of Russian Repatriates from China Before and After the Collapse of the Soviet Union,” was held as part of the “Boundaries of History” program. Laurie Manchester from Arizona State University, USA, spoke to students and professors.

Transcaucasian Model of Diversity Governing: a Talk by Etienne Peyrat
On February 15, 2019 the Center for Historical Research at the HSE in St Petersburg hosted an ERA.Net research seminar. Etienne Peyrat (Sciences Po Lille) presented his talk "Imperial transition and regional integration in the South Caucasus (1900s-1930s)"
Sexism and Racism in 20th Century British Football: March in the Richard Stites Memorial Historical Library
The Centre for Historical Research and the HSE in St Petersburg Bachelor's Programme 'History' carry on the joint students' project on promoting the Richard Stites Memorial Historical Library
Boundaries of History
In this issue of The HSE Look, we would like to focus on three of the many seminar series which are held at HSE, and we are glad to present the interview with Alexander Semyonov about the seminar Boundaries of History at HSE St. Petersburg.