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Tag "students"

Illustration for news: On Russian Students' Day, HSE University-St Petersburg Opens a New Educational Space in Historical Rope Shop Building

On Russian Students' Day, HSE University-St Petersburg Opens a New Educational Space in Historical Rope Shop Building

A famous monument of constructivism—the Rope Shop of the Red Nailer factory—became a new educational building of HSE University-St Petersburg. Approximately four thousand students will study in the building at 25 Liniya Street on Vasilyevsky Island.

Illustration for news: Graduate of HSE University in St Petersburg Receives Award at ‘Chinese Bridge’ Competition in Beijing

Graduate of HSE University in St Petersburg Receives Award at ‘Chinese Bridge’ Competition in Beijing

In early September 2024, Anastasia Usyk, a graduate of the Bachelor’s Programme in Asian and African Studies at HSE University in St Petersburg, participated in the final round of the ‘Chinese Bridge’ International Language Competition in Beijing, where she won the first prize in online voting and received the Audience Award and the Award for Most Outstanding Performance. She spoke about her experience in the competition, her studies and future plans in an interview with HSE News Service.

Illustration for news: On September 23, the Second Expedition to the Himalayas to Start

On September 23, the Second Expedition to the Himalayas to Start

Pretty soon, HSE University-St Petersburg will go on the second expedition to the Himalayas organised together with the University of Delhi. This time, researchers will visit the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh which is known for more severe weather conditions at this time of the year. Together with colleagues from the Indian university, they will continue to study how the local communities adapt to ecological and climatic changes, focusing on the sociological aspect of the research.

Illustration for news: 'Eventful, Bright and Fun': What HSE SPB Day 2024 Is Like

'Eventful, Bright and Fun': What HSE SPB Day 2024 Is Like

HSE University-St Petersburg will remember September 13 as the loudest and happiest day as this Friday, we had the most heartwarming autumn festival—HSE SPB Day. Students, professors, partners and friends of the university met at 'Sevkabel Port' as a big HSE family to celebrate the start of the new academic year with energetic music, have fun with student clubs and welcome the main characters of the evening—first-years. Find out which impressions this emotional day left in this article.

Illustration for news: 'ISSCAI Greatly Immersed in IT Environment': HSE University-St Petersburg Finishes School and Conference on AI

'ISSCAI Greatly Immersed in IT Environment': HSE University-St Petersburg Finishes School and Conference on AI

HSE University-St Petersburg held the International Summer School & Conference on Artificial Intelligence—ISSCAI 2024. It was organised by the School of Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science together with the Laboratory for Social and Cognitive Informatics supported by VK and other partners. A one-week intensive course gathered talented students, PhD students and developers from all over the country—from Moscow to Yekaterinburg as well as Kazakhstan and Egypt. Especially for them, leading experts from Russia, the UAE and India delivered courses on key trends in the sphere of artificial intelligence: from computer vision to music signal processing.

Illustration for news: 'Today Was a Very Happy and Nostalgic Day': How the Main Celebration of HSE University-St Petersburg Graduates Went

'Today Was a Very Happy and Nostalgic Day': How the Main Celebration of HSE University-St Petersburg Graduates Went

On June 30, HSE University-St Petersburg gathered almost 5000 guests at KSK 'Arena' for the main event of this summer—graduation 2024. Bachelor's and master's students were congratulated by their friends and family, professors and faculty deans as well as HSE University-St Petersburg trustees. The diplomas of HSE University-St Petersburg were awarded to more than 1400 people, and 280 of them received the diplomas with honours. Find out what we will remember this festive day for in the article.

Illustration for news: HSE University-St Petersburg Hosts 50 Students from Top Indian Universities

HSE University-St Petersburg Hosts 50 Students from Top Indian Universities

HSE University-St Petersburg hosted the Indian Students Week. The event gathered more than 50 students from India. The students represented 15 top universities in the country. In particular, there were representatives of IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, UPES, IIM Amritsar and others. The goal of this large-scale initiative of HSE University-St Petersburg is to introduce talented students from India to educational opportunities in Russia, in particular, HSE educational programmes in four directions: business and economics, design, social and computer sciences.

Illustration for news: HSE University-St Petersburg Launches Indian Students Week

HSE University-St Petersburg Launches Indian Students Week

HSE University-St Petersburg launches a week-long educational programme for students from the leading Indian universities.

Illustration for news: Political Science Students Hold Research Conference 'May Forum'

Political Science Students Hold Research Conference 'May Forum'

On May 16-17, HSE University-St Petersburg hosted the first student research conference on Political Science and related disciplines 'May Forum'. It gathered more than 50 young researchers from five Russian regions. The students organised the events with the financial support of the HSE Centre for Student Academic Development.

Illustration for news: Student of Art and Design School Arranges Contemporary Art Fair at 'Sevkabel Port'

Student of Art and Design School Arranges Contemporary Art Fair at 'Sevkabel Port'

In the second half of April, there was one of the largest fairs of contemporary art in St Petersburg—Port Art Fair. Designing its construction at 'Sevkabel Port' was the responsibility of Eva Chernykh, student of the Bachelor's programme 'Design'.