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Social Structure and Social Stratification

Academic Year
Instruction in English
ECTS credits
Course type:
Elective course
2 year, 4 module


Мацкевич Мария Георгиевна

Course Syllabus


That people have unequal sets of choices available to them is probably the key message of social science. We welcome you to the course where you will learn how social inequality is structured, reproduced and experienced. A complex of social institutions that generate the inequalities in valued goods, including but not limited to income, wealth and power, is what we call a stratification system. During the course, you will become equipped with analytical and methodological tools to study stratification. In the first weeks, you will learn the concepts and categories that guide our perception of inequality. Then we will discuss how the inequality can be measured empirically. Afterwards, you will study the mechanisms behind stratification systems, and their different aspects. The final weeks of the course are devoted to the theories putting together the previously studied concepts, measures, and mechanisms.