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Physical Training

Academic Year
Instruction in English
Delivered at:
Department of Physical Training (Saint Petersburg) (Interfaculty Departments)
Course type:
Compulsory course
2 year, 1-4 module


Course Syllabus


Курс сконцентрирован на формировании физической культуры личности и способности направленного использования разнообразных средств физической культуры, спорта и туризма для сохранения и укрепления здоровья, психофизической подготовки и самоподготовки к будущей жизни и профессиональной деятельности. В ходе преподавания курса студент ознакомится с влиянием оздоровительных систем физического воспитания на укрепление здоровья, профилактику профессиональных заболеваний и вредных привычек. Сфера применения знаний, полученных в ходе изучения курса: управление самостоятельными занятиями с учётом будущей профессиональной деятельности; творческое сотрудничество в коллективных формах занятий физической культурой; организации и проведения индивидуального, коллективного и семейного отдыха и при участии в массовых спортивных соревнованиях; саморегуляция своего психофизического состояния. Теоретический онлайн-курс по физической культуре доступен в Smart LMS по следующим ссылкам: 1 курс русскоязычная программа https://edu.hse.ru/course/view.php?id=98825 1 курс англоязычная программа https://edu.hse.ru/course/view.php?id=98827 1 курс коммерческая программа https://edu.hse.ru/course/view.php?id=98829 2 курс русскоязычная программа https://edu.hse.ru/course/view.php?id=98835 2 курс англоязычная программа https://edu.hse.ru/course/view.php?id=98833 3 курс русскоязычная программа https://edu.hse.ru/course/view.php?id=98834 3 курс англоязычная программа https://edu.hse.ru/course/view.php?id=98837
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • приобретение навыков организации режима дня в соответствии с критериями здорового образа жизни
  • получение опыта применения средств физической культуры для повышения устойчивости организма к неблагоприятным условиям внешней среды
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Владеет навыками, обеспечивающими прикладную деятельность в сфере физической культуры и спорта
  • Дает четкие определения основных понятий, терминов в сфере физической культуры
  • Знает влияние оздоровительных систем физического воспитания на укрепление здоровья, профилактику профессиональных заболеваний и вредных привычек
  • Использует навыки коммуникативного общения в процессе занятий физической культурой и спортом и умеет работать в команде
  • Поддерживает должный уровень физической подготовленности для обеспечения полноценной социальной и профессиональной деятельности
  • Умеет использовать знания по физической культуре в планировании режима дня, в социальной и профессиональной деятельности
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Физическая культура в профессиональной подготовке студентов. Основы здорового образа жизни человека и его отражение в профессиональной деятельности
  • Медико-биологические основы формирования физической культуры личности студентов высших учебных заведений
  • Общетеоретические основы формирования физической культуры личности студентов высших учебных заведений
  • Профессионально-прикладная физическая подготовка как вид специализированного направления системы формирования физической культуры личности студентов высших учебных заведений
  • Практический раздел
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Посещаемость
  • non-blocking Норматив 1
  • non-blocking Норматив 2
  • non-blocking Норматив 3
  • non-blocking Норматив 4
  • non-blocking Посещаемость
  • non-blocking Норматив 1
  • non-blocking Норматив 2
  • non-blocking Норматив 3
  • non-blocking Норматив 4
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2021/2022 2nd module
    For students who are on mobility / students of online BP `Digital Platforms and Logistics` / have a special health group A or B - Online course "Physical Education" on the SmartLMS platform (consists of two parts for 1,2 module and 3,4 module) - Online lectures (to be included in the schedule) A final online test will be required for credit at the end of module 2 and will be available after taking the online course. Practical online sessions are only available for students of I and II Health Groups. For students who are studying offline in St. Petersburg and have I or II health group The following options are available: - Practical classes online and offline (can be found in the schedule) - Online course "Physical Education" on the SmartLMS platform (consists of two parts for 1,2 module and 3,4 module) - online lectures (are included in the schedule) To receive credit for PE in Module 2 you need to: -take the final online test at the end of module 2, which will be available after completing the online course, as well as attending practical classes: - for 1st year students, 1-2 Module , 4 classes must be attended for credit. - for 2nd year students, 1-2 modules , 8 classes must be attended for credit. Admission to practical classes and certification in the discipline of "Physical Education" is possible only in accordance with the type of health group. Students, who have not passed a medical check-up and do not have a medical certificate with an indication of PE health group, are not allowed to PE practical part and attestation. Practical online classes. Attendance at synchronous online classes is allowed only if video link on the student's part is available. Links to classes are listed in the general schedule posted in SmartLMS.
  • 2021/2022 4th module
    For students who are on mobility / students of online BP `Digital Platforms and Logistics` / have a special health group A or B - Online course "Physical Education" on the SmartLMS platform (consists of two parts for 1,2 module and 3,4 module) - Online lectures (to be included in the schedule) A final online test will be required for credit at the end of module 4 and will be available after taking the online course. Practical online sessions are only available for students of I and II Health Groups. For students who are studying offline in St. Petersburg and have I or II health group The following options are available: - Practical classes online and offline (can be found in the schedule) - Online course "Physical Education" on the SmartLMS platform (consists of two parts for 1,2 module and 3,4 module) - online lectures (are included in the schedule) To receive credit for PE in Module 4 you need to: -take the final online test at the end of module 4, which will be available after completing the online course, as well as attending practical classes: - for 1st year students, 3-4 Module , 8 classes must be attended for credit. - for 2nd year students, 3-4 modules , 8 classes must be attended for credit. Admission to practical classes and certification in the discipline of "Physical Education" is possible only in accordance with the type of health group. Students, who have not passed a medical check-up and do not have a medical certificate with an indication of PE health group, are not allowed to PE practical part and attestation. Practical online classes. Attendance at synchronous online classes is allowed only if video link on the student's part is available. Links to classes are listed in the general schedule posted in SmartLMS.
  • 2022/2023 2nd module
    For students who are on mobility / students of online BP `Digital Platforms and Logistics` / have a special health group A or B - Online course "Physical Education" on the SmartLMS platform (consists of two parts for 1,2 module and 3,4 module) - Online lectures (to be included in the schedule) A final online test will be required for credit at the end of module 2 and will be available after taking the online course. Practical online sessions are only available for students of I and II Health Groups. For students who are studying offline in St. Petersburg and have I or II health group The following options are available: - Practical classes online and offline (can be found in the schedule) - Online course "Physical Education" on the SmartLMS platform (consists of two parts for 1,2 module and 3,4 module) - online lectures (are included in the schedule) To receive credit for PE in Module 2 you need to: -take the final online test at the end of module 2, which will be available after completing the online course, as well as attending practical classes: - for 1st year students, 1-2 Module , 4 classes must be attended for credit. - for 2nd year students, 1-2 modules , 8 classes must be attended for credit. Admission to practical classes and certification in the discipline of "Physical Education" is possible only in accordance with the type of health group. Students, who have not passed a medical check-up and do not have a medical certificate with an indication of PE health group, are not allowed to PE practical part and attestation. Practical online classes. Attendance at synchronous online classes is allowed only if video link on the student's part is available. Links to classes are listed in the general schedule posted in SmartLMS.
  • 2022/2023 4th module
    For students who are on mobility / students of online BP `Digital Platforms and Logistics` / have a special health group A or B - Online course "Physical Education" on the SmartLMS platform (consists of two parts for 1,2 module and 3,4 module) - Online lectures (to be included in the schedule) A final online test will be required for credit at the end of module 4 and will be available after taking the online course. Practical online sessions are only available for students of I and II Health Groups. For students who are studying offline in St. Petersburg and have I or II health group The following options are available: - Practical classes online and offline (can be found in the schedule) - Online course "Physical Education" on the SmartLMS platform (consists of two parts for 1,2 module and 3,4 module) - online lectures (are included in the schedule) To receive credit for PE in Module 4 you need to: -take the final online test at the end of module 4, which will be available after completing the online course, as well as attending practical classes: - for 1st year students, 3-4 Module , 8 classes must be attended for credit. - for 2nd year students, 3-4 modules , 8 classes must be attended for credit. Admission to practical classes and certification in the discipline of "Physical Education" is possible only in accordance with the type of health group. Students, who have not passed a medical check-up and do not have a medical certificate with an indication of PE health group, are not allowed to PE practical part and attestation. Practical online classes. Attendance at synchronous online classes is allowed only if video link on the student's part is available. Links to classes are listed in the general schedule posted in SmartLMS.


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Физическая культура : учебник / М. Я. Виленский, В. Ю. Волков, Л. М. Волкова [и др.]. — Москва : КноРус, 2018. — 423 с. — ISBN 978-5-406-06182-4. — URL: https://book.ru/book/925962 (дата обращения: 25.08.2023). — Текст : электронный.
  • Физическая культура: учебное пособие / Чертов Н.В. - Ростов-на-Дону: Издательство ЮФУ, 2012. - 118 с. ISBN 978-5-9275-0896-9 - Режим доступа: http://znanium.com/catalog/product/551007
  • Физическая культура. Лекции : учеб. пособие для студентов вузов / Е.А. Малейченко [и др.]. — Москва : ЮНИТИ-ДАНА, 2017. - 159 с. - ISBN 978-5-238-02982-5. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://new.znanium.com/catalog/product/1027339 - Текст : электронный. - URL: http://znanium.com/catalog/product/1027339

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Виленский, М. Я., Физическая культура и здоровый образ жизни студента : учебное пособие / М. Я. Виленский, А. Г. Горшков. — Москва : КноРус, 2016. — 239 с. — ISBN 978-5-406-04588-6. — URL: https://book.ru/book/917008 (дата обращения: 25.08.2023). — Текст : электронный.
