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Information Systems

Academic Year
Instruction in English
ECTS credits
Course type:
Compulsory course
1 year, 1-3 module


Bulygin, Denis

Busurkina, Irina

Gulyaev, Pavel

Course Syllabus


This course studies the interconnections of technology, people, and business in organizations implemented as information systems. Starting from the basics of Information Technology, we will discuss how organizations use contemporary IT toolkit to achieve their goals. We will uncover the strong social nature of IS planning, design, and development processes and how social science theory and methods can enrich these processes. We will study different types of IS for different audiences, including business information systems and information systems in science and research. Then the course will move to collaborative systems of different levels – from small group document sharing to the World Wide Web, and their design principles. Last part of the course is devoted to small-scale project of developing a game-like social simulation.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • will introduce students to the concepts of business processes, social computing, business analytics, organizational analysis
  • will immerse students to IT project experience in the collaborative development of social simulation
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • know different types of information systems and main approaches to analyzing organizations from an information perspective
  • design and create information support resources
  • be able to outline simple business processes paying attention to the needs of customers and organizations
  • be able to construct basic analytical reports using Tableau
  • be able to describe organizational goals of different services and model possible interactions between service systems and clients
  • know basic principles of programming in the framework of working with RenPy library for Python
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Business Analytics and Data Processing
    1) Introduction to Information Systems What information is; How it is connected with data; Why do we need them; What is data science; the Basic process of the problem solving 2) Introduction to Excel Why Excel (Spreadsheets) is an important tool; Basic functions for the analysis in Excel; Making reports using Microsoft Word 3) Principles of working with data Sources where data can be found; Introduction to different data formats 4) Advanced analysis in Excel Logic functions; Manipulation with the data; Pivot tables 5) Working with text data in Excel Specificity of text data; Applying functions to texts 6) Information Systems in Business History of Information Systems; Basic principles of Business Analytics; Particular business cases from the industry 7) Individual work Recap of the covered material 8) Introduction to Tableau Why Tableau is an important tool; Tableau interface; Types of data; Specificity of working with different data types in Tableau; Basic principles of data visualization; Acquaintance with different types of plots 9) Stating and refining of the Research Question What research question is; Why it is needed for the project success; Types of research questions; How to make a good research question 10) Basic analysis in Tableau Data aggregation; Centrality measures (mean, median and mode); Types of plots 11) Creating dashboards What dashboard is; Where dashboard can be useful; Principles and aims of the dashboard; Implication to business cases 12) Analytical graphics Principles of analytical graphics; Types of dashboards; Characteristics of a Well-Designed Dashboard; UI Checklist for Dashboard Design 13) Geographical data When geographical data is necessary for the analysis; History of creating maps; Maps in science and business; Creating maps in Tableau 14) Advanced analysis in Tableau Connecting databases; Types of joins; Data filtration; Making calculations within Tableau using different data types
  • Information Systems and Business Processes
    15) Key Performance Indicators What KPI is; Where it can be implemented; KPI types; Examples of KPI in different professional spheres 16) Agile analytics Basic principles of business analytics; User eXperience; System Analytics; Requirements engineering; Agile 17) Individual work Recap of the covered material 18) Communication and principles of teamwork Building teams; Basic software development principles; Distribution of duties within the team; Sufficient communication 19) Introduction to RenPy What RenPy is; Why do we need it; What visual novel is; How it can be implemented in the process of problem-solving
  • Web Services and Social Computing
    20) Introduction to distributed groups What distributed group is; Working with business software; Organizing the working process; Documenting design decision 21) Basic programming with RenPy Logic functions (if, elif, else); Lists; Setting new variables; Changing values in variables 22) Successful distributed groups Characteristics of successful distributed groups; Distributed groups in the industry 23) Advanced programming with RenPy Imagemap; GUI 24) Advanced programming with RenPy Vocabularies; Probabilities as a visual novel element; Chances 25) Social Computing Principles of social computing; Background of the concept; Implementation in industry and business and specific examples 26) Discussion of RenPy projects Recap of the covered material; Consultation
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Homework (Excel + Word) (module 1)
    First homework consists of two tasks. Via the first one, students are supposed to demonstrate basic skills of manipulating data and answering research question (10 questions) with the help of Microsoft Excel. Second one is oriented on creation of basic reports in Microsoft Word.
  • non-blocking Group Project I (knowledge base) (module 1)
    Students are divided into small groups. The main aim of the task is to create a knowledge-based article on the chosen topic (example: compare alternative to Excel products), reviewing and comparing information system products. Via this assignment, students learn how to work with the information and how to organise different sources into the valuable article for the non-professional readers.
  • non-blocking Individual Project (individual tableau, seminar tableu + peer review) (module 2)
  • non-blocking Group project II (renpy) (module 3)
    Students are supposed to make this project in small groups. They are free to choose their own theme for the game (examples: replication of tv-show "who wants to be a millionaire" or a gamified navigator for the freshmen students of HSE University). There are the following tasks to submit in this assignment: • Project poster: Poster that shows the development process from the start to the end • Design document: Design documents for the game (updated after homework to the final version) • Renpy game: script and materials of the game • Presentation: oral presentation • Blitz: individual discussion of the game code In the project, students should demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the programming language. Students submit the assignment at the beginning of the session week and present it and defend it in the exam day on the session week
  • non-blocking Seminar Preparation and Activity
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • Interim assessment (2 module)
    0.2 * Group Project I (knowledge base) (module 1) + 0.1 * Homework (Excel + Word) (module 1) + 0.35 * Individual Project (individual tableau, seminar tableu + peer review) (module 2) + 0.35 * Seminar Preparation and Activity
  • Interim assessment (3 module)
    0.3 * Group project II (renpy) (module 3) + 0.6 * Interim assessment (2 module) + 0.1 * Seminar Preparation and Activity


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Milligan, J. N. (2015). Learning Tableau. Birmingham, UK: Packt Publishing. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=986047
  • Olson, D. (2014). Information Systems Project Management. New York: Business Expert Press. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=932347
  • Vanderjack, B. (2015). The Agile Edge : Managing Projects Effectively Using Agile Scrum (Vol. First edition). New York: Business Expert Press. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1051103

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Murray, D. G., & InterWorks, I. (2016). Tableau Your Data! : Fast and Easy Visual Analysis with Tableau Software (Vol. Second edition). Indianapolis, IN: Wiley. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1146894
  • Rosenbaum, H., & Fichman, P. (2014). Social Informatics : Past, Present and Future. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=726145