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Research Seminar "Health, Well-Being and Human Behavior"

Academic Year
Instruction in English
ECTS credits
Course type:
Elective course
2 year, 1-4 module


Khodorenko, Darya K.

Course Syllabus


Students will be immersed in the world of social research on health behavior and well-being during the course. We will discuss risks and protective factors, prevention programs, and much other stuff related to children, teenagers, and adults’ health behavior and well-being. Students will become familiar with theories of social behavior and would be able to view research ideas through their lens. Format: online synchronous seminars (platform https://zoom.us/meetings).
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • To provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to detect and describe the social mechanisms of health behavior and well-being.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • know the main sociological, psychological, and interdisciplinary public health concepts and theories related to health, well-being, and human behavior.
  • be able to read and critically discuss academic articles with different empirical study design.
  • be able to juxtaposition theoretical concepts to the analysis of health and well-being behavior.
  • be able to conduct studies and present its results in the form of oral presentation with visual material.
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Introduction. Health behavior theories.
    The introduction to key theories and the dimensions of health and well-being behavior.
  • Confidence crisis to medicine.
    Why don't we trust doctors' recommendations? Why do we google disease information? Why do we have preconceptions about our (un)healthy behaviors? How can we fix it? In the pandemic, have we started to rely on medicine more? What is the explanation given by theory?
  • Apps for health and well-being control.
    How many apps for health/well-being do you have on your smartphone? Are all of them really effective? Why is it so hard to change our health behavior? We will focus on theory and its explanation of these questions.
  • Health is our resource.
    Why don't we value our health? How does our background and family background determine our health behavior? Is there anything we can do to be healthier then our parents and our community? Let us see through the Life-course perspective.
  • Childhood in poverty: development, well-being, and health.
    What are the consequences of living in poverty? Can we smooth those consequences out? What do the results of longitudinal research and theory tell us?
  • The downside of preventive measures.
    What mechanisms do preventive programs drive? What kind of risky behavior can programs prevent? Why is the effectiveness of many programs low? What unintended consequences can preventative programs have? What do the learned theories tell us?
  • Teenagers: health vs. risks
    What is more influential than peer pressure or parental control? Does risky behavior in adolescence reduce health in adulthood? Why do not teenagers talk with parents about their health?
  • Presentation and discussion of students individual research projects
    The course will be completed with a case study provided.
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Participation in class discussions
    Комментарий 1. Правила поведения во время элемента контроля: дискуссия проводится в Zoom, поэтому рекомендуется выключать микрофоны, если говорит другой студент. Приветствуется, если вы будете задавать вопросы другим студентам/командам. 2. В случае кратковременного/долговременного нарушения связи, руководствуйтесь разделом "Что делать, если что-то пошло не так" https://www.hse.ru/studyspravka/distcontrol. Необходимо также: (1) предупредить участников вашей команды (если идет групповая работа), чтобы кто-то из них взял ваше слово; (2) сразу написать преподавателям.
  • non-blocking In-class assignments.
    The grade will be calculated as an average score for all types of written activities during the seminars.Комментарий 1. Правила поведения во время элемента контроля: проводится в онлайн формате в строго определенное время, поэтому рекомендуется не опаздывать к началу занятия, выключать микрофон, включить камеру, не покидать поле зрения камеры, выслать заполненную форму по истечении времени. 2. В случае кратковременного/долговременного нарушения связи, руководствуйтесь разделом "Что делать, если что-то пошло не так" https://www.hse.ru/studyspravka/distcontrol. Необходимо сразу написать преподавателям.
  • non-blocking Presentation of student's thesis.
    It includes an oral presentation with visual materials of the parts of the student's research - research framework, literature review, data description, and preliminary analysis.1. Правила поведения во время элемента контроля: дискуссия проводится в Zoom, поэтому рекомендуется выключать микрофоны, если говорит другой студент. Приветствуется, если вы будете задавать вопросы другим студентам/командам. 2. В случае кратковременного/долговременного нарушения связи, руководствуйтесь разделом "Что делать, если что-то пошло не так" https://www.hse.ru/studyspravka/distcontrol. Необходимо также: (1) предупредить участников вашей команды (если идет групповая работа), чтобы кто-то из них взял ваше слово; (2) сразу написать преподавателям.
  • non-blocking Final exam
    The final exam consists of a set of questions related to the student's thesis. The grade for the final exam is calculated as an average score from grades by several instructors. The grade for the final exam is rounded according to algebra rules.1. Правила поведения во время элемента контроля: проводится в онлайн формате в строго определенное время, поэтому рекомендуется не опаздывать к началу занятия, выключать микрофон, включить камеру, не покидать поле зрения камеры, выслать заполненную форму по истечении времени. 2. В случае кратковременного/долговременного нарушения связи, руководствуйтесь разделом "Что делать, если что-то пошло не так" https://www.hse.ru/studyspravka/distcontrol. Необходимо сразу написать преподавателям.
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • Interim assessment (4 module)
    0.3 * Final exam + 0.3 * In-class assignments. + 0.2 * Participation in class discussions + 0.2 * Presentation of student's thesis.


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • L. Kay Bartholomew Eldredge, Christine M. Markham, Robert A. C. Ruiter, Maria E. Fernández, Gerjo Kok, & Guy S. Parcel. (2016). Planning Health Promotion Programs : An Intervention Mapping Approach: Vol. Fourth edition. Jossey-Bass.
  • Marisa E. Hilliard, P., Kristin A. Riekert, P., Judith K. Ockene, P. Me. M., & Lori Pbert, P. . (2018). The Handbook of Health Behavior Change, Fifth Edition: Vol. Fifth edition. Springer Publishing Company.
  • Viswanath, K., Rimer, B. K., & Glanz, K. (2015). Health Behavior : Theory, Research, and Practice (Vol. Fifth edition). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1021677

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Nancy Grant Harrington. (2014). Health Communication : Theory, Method, and Application. Routledge.