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Бакалаврская программа «История»

Society and Health in Historical Perspective

Учебный год
Обучение ведется на английском языке
Курс по выбору
Когда читается:
4-й курс, 1, 2 модуль


Course Syllabus


This course surveys the history of modern medicine and examines the role of medicine and health in the contemporary society. It introduces the students to a variety of ways of looking at the subject, including the social history of medicine, medical humanities, and science & technology studies (STS). The course will emphasize the close connections between forms of social order and forms of medical knowledge. Data culture level = 0.0.2 (Basic. Data analysis). A separate block of classes will be devoted to the potential of neural networks and generative AI as 1) a key component of modern biomedical innovation and 2) a tool for organizing and conducting research in the field of health humanities.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • Students will understand the fundamental questions and methods of the history of medicine.
  • Students will develop critical skills of assessing medicine’s complex role in contemporary society.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Discuss academic literature during a seminar and participate in a group discussion in English
  • Create and deliver a persuasive presentation based on required readings and additional literature
  • Analyze and compare the views of different authors on the same subject
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Medical knowledge and practice from antiquity to the early 20th century
  • Modern Health and Medicine
    Перечень инструментов ИИ: Elicit, Consensus, assistant by scite. Планируемое применение: формулировка исследовательского вопроса, поиск и обработка научной литературы, организация и редактирование текста.
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Participation in seminars
  • non-blocking Take-home written examination
    A student chooses one question out of three and produces a written answer (1-2 pages long). Failure to produce an essay that is at least 0,5 page long will result in an additional 1 point penalty. Failure to submit the essay by the agreed-upon deadline will result in an additional 1 point penalty for every day the essay is late.
  • non-blocking A group presentation at the final colloquium
    Usually, the presentation would be graded as a group project for which one grade is issued to all the participants. Time limit for the presentation is set at 20 minutes. Failure to observe the agreed-upon time limit will result in a 1 point penalty.
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2023/2024 2nd module
    0.3 * A group presentation at the final colloquium + 0.3 * Participation in seminars + 0.4 * Take-home written examination


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • A global history of medicine, , 2018
  • Bynum, W. F. (2008). The History of Medicine: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: OUP Oxford. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=363643
  • Porter, R. (2001). Bodies Politic : Disease, Death and Doctors in Britain, 1650-1900. London: Reaktion Books. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=440604

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Amelia Bonea, Melissa Dickson, Sally Shuttleworth, & Jennifer Wallis. (2019). Anxious Times : Medicine and Modernity in Nineteenth-Century Britain. University of Pittsburgh Press.
  • An introduction to the social history of medicine: Europe since 1500, Waddington, K., 2011
  • Ancient medicine, Nutton, V., 2013
  • Barkan, S. E. (2017). Health, Illness, and Society : An Introduction to Medical Sociology. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
  • Faye Getz. (1998). Medicine in the English Middle Ages. Princeton University Press.
  • Laura M. Zucconi. (2019). Ancient Medicine : From Mesopotamia to Rome. Eerdmans.
  • Wear, A. (2000). Knowledge and Practice in English Medicine, 1550–1680. Cambridge University Press.
  • История и философия медицины : научные революции XVII - XIX веков, Степин, В. С., 2017
