Tag "students"

Dealing with University Depression

Dealing with University Depression
Yasmina Kouweik writes about mental health, where to seek help at HSE and provides tips to deal with feeling depressed at University.

Сhoosing the Best Destination for an Academic Exchange?

Сhoosing the Best Destination for an Academic Exchange?
You would like to go on exchange but you are full of doubts concerning the choice of your destination? 

Lisa's Adventure with the Arabic Language

Lisa's Adventure with the Arabic Language
Hassan Jawad talks with Liza, an HSE student of BA in Asian and African Studies, about her motivations for choosing the program and learning the Arabic language.

How HSE Students Celebrated the New Year Holiday

How HSE Students Celebrated the New Year Holiday
A New Year brings fresh opportunities to start over, ride on it and make resolutions to achieve all the dreams we saw.  Let's review the best things of the old year and set goals for this 2022.

A Russian HSE Student in Thailand

A Russian HSE Student in Thailand
Anastasia Kuprishkina, an HSE student, talks about her academic choices and her life in Thailand as an exchange student.

New Year's Celebration: Send a letter to Santa

New Year's Celebration: Send a letter to Santa
Here, right in Moscow, we can go back to an enjoyable childhood experience: sending a letter to Santa through the annual "Santa Claus mail" campaign.

HSE Cinema Club: An Interview

HSE Cinema Club: An Interview
An interview with Olga Sharapanovskaya, the new head of the largest film discussion club in HSE

Hobbies And Spending Free Time

Hobbies And Spending Free Time
It is undeniable that hobbies bring us a lot of benefits.

Asian Culture in Saint-Petersburg

Asian Culture in Saint-Petersburg
Let's travel to Asia without leaving Saint-Petersburg with Vlada Pivovarchuk.

All Aboard! Yachting in HSE

All Aboard! Yachting in HSE
What sounds more adventurous and fun than sailing on a yacht in Saint-Petersburg on a sunny summer day?