Tag "achievements"

Reflecting Back and Looking Forward

Reflecting Back and Looking Forward
Tyler Cobb interviewed three HSE Master's students to hear their reflections on their time at HSE and their next steps after graduation.

HSE Foreign Students: Daniyal Haider Mahar

HSE Foreign Students: Daniyal Haider Mahar
Mehmet Kılıç talks with Daniyal Haider Mahar, a foreign student who is doing his master degree at HSE Saint-Petersburg.

Experiencing Korea

Experiencing Korea
South Korea is getting more interesting for a lot people nowadays. The country is spreading culture and amazing opportunities for many people around the globe. 

HSE International Student from Switzerland

HSE International Student from Switzerland
Vera Guzzi talks about her education and life in St. Petersburg.

Mobility Programmes' Opportunities

Mobility Programmes' Opportunities
Ben Alexander from Scottland went to Turkey to study at Boğaziçi University in Istanbul, one of the greatest cultural points of the country. 

Foreign Students in HSE: Baron Hans Dominik

Foreign Students in HSE: Baron Hans Dominik
Dominik talks about his first visit to Russia, education at HSE, friends, and activities during his spare time.

A Pakistani Student at HSE in Saint Petersburg

Discussing with Mohammad Ehtisham Ul Haq, a student from Pakistan, everything from career choices to Russian culture shocks.

HSE and African Students

HSE and African Students
Russia and HSE have become an important educational destination for African students in the past couple of years due to the quality of education and pocket friendly tuition. The outstanding graduates of HSE have contributed immensely to the growth and development of their countries.

Stephen King's Post Apocalyptic Literature

Stephen King's Post Apocalyptic Literature
Jawad Hassan explains why it is a good idea to grab the apocalyptic novel by Stephen Kings that can help you survive the pandemic.

Сhoosing the Best Destination for an Academic Exchange?

Сhoosing the Best Destination for an Academic Exchange?
You would like to go on exchange but you are full of doubts concerning the choice of your destination?