October Readings – 2021
The annual conference "October Readings - 2021" starts, which has been held by the Department of Political Science and International Relations for the tenth year in a row.
This year the Conference is dedicated to the topic of «Policy Transfer, Diffusion and Translation: Bridging Rationalist-Constructivist Divides».
Find the detailed programme down below:
October 21
10:00 – 10:10 Conference Opening (room 402, RUS/ENG)
To join online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87474486837?pwd=d3lDalJkbGgwZjBSc2ZqbzB2OURLQT09
- Anna Dekalchuk, Dean, St. Petersburg School of Social Sciences and Area Studies and Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and IR, HSE University – St. Petersburg
- Alexander Sungurov, Dr. of Political Science, Professor of Applied Political Science, Department of Political Science and IR, HSE University – St. Petersburg, Chair of the Organizing Committee
- Oleg Korneev, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Academic Supervisor of the Masters’ Programme “Comparative Politics of Eurasia”, HSE University – St. Petersburg
10:10 – 11:30 Keynote “Significance of ‘policy translation’ in world politics” (room 402, RUS)
Speaker: Marina Lebedeva, Head of the Department of World Politics, MGIMO University
Moderator – Alexander Sungurov (HSE University – St. Petersburg)
12:00 – 13:00 Youth Forum. Panel 1 (room 201, RUS)
Preliminary results of the activities of the Scientific and Educational Group “Research of Public Councils”
To join online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88211106196?pwd=MUFrT2hGWjVENFB3Q0tlYkg0U3Rxdz09
Chair: Alexander Balayan, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, HSE University – St. Petersburg
- Alexandra Vaisberg Independent think-tanks as potential actors of policy translation in the non-democratic context: the case of the Institute of Law and Public Policy of the European University in St. Petersburg
- Alina Dmitrieva Participatory practices and municipal power in St. Petersburg: why deputies choose collaborative design and ignore initiative budget
- Stanislav Kukartsev Youth politics in Russia: federal and regional scales
- Artem Savochkin Challenges for ‘propaganda’ system in Russia during the COVID-19 pandemic
14:00 – 15:00 Youth Forum. Panel 2 (room 201, RUS)
To join online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88211106196?pwd=MUFrT2hGWjVENFB3Q0tlYkg0U3Rxdz09
Chair: Denis Stremoukhov, Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science and International Relations, HSE University – St. Petersburg
- Yulia Kuzmenkova Entry of the opposition candidates into the gubernatorial elections: the case of Russia (2013–2019).
- K. Abdukadyrova Regulating public opinion as a trend of internal politics in contemporary Russia
- Diana Abramyan Poststructural discourse analysis of political humor in the contemporary Russian stand-up comedy
- Danil Kandaurov Localization of international professional army standards in Russia: discourses and practices of governmental and non-governmental actors
15:30 – 16:45 Youth Forum. Panel 3 (room 201, RUS)
To join online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88211106196?pwd=MUFrT2hGWjVENFB3Q0tlYkg0U3Rxdz09
Chair: Dmitry Arkatov, PhD student, Department of Political Science and International Relations, HSE University – St. Petersburg
- Albina Kulish Russia as ‘the other’ in the US foreign policy
- A. Frolova The institution of the Commissioner for Human Rights in Russia: issues of efficiency
- P. Osipenko, O. Istomina Ethnodemographic situation in Kazakhstan as a factor in conflict potential in the Kazakh society
- Gleb Ignatiev Paths of Institutional Change in the USA under Barack Obama and Donald Trump (2008-2020)
- Arina Osina Violence as the instrument to maintain power in electoral authoritarianism
17:15 – 18:30 Expert workshop for students (room 201, RUS)
Olga Malinova, Professor, Academic Director of the Doctoral School in Political Science, HSE University “Working with Literature: from Research Idea to the Final Text”
Moderator: Sergei Akopov, Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, HSE University – St. Petersburg
October 22
10:00 – 11:30 Keynote: “Policies on the Move: Transfer, Translation and Branding of Governance Models and Expertise” (room 401, ENG)
Streaming: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87146208801?pwd=OUNBdXFJcTZGSlVFZ3JlYWFqRXA2QT09
Speaker: Farhad Mukhtarov, Assistant Professor of Governance and Public Policy at International Institute of Social Sciences (ISS), Erasmus University Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
Moderator: Oleg Korneev
11:45 – 13:00 Panel discussions
Panel 1.1. Diffusion and Transfer of Institutions and Practices (room 201, RUS)
Chair: Alexander Sungurov, Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, HSE University – St. Petersburg
Discussant: Daniil Tinyakov, Senior lecturer, Department of Political Science and International Relations, HSE University – St. Petersburg
- Oleg Rumyantsev On institutional reconfiguration of decision-making mechanisms in Russia (Moscow, Financial University / Fund for Constitutional Reforms)
- Tatyana Podshibyakina Policy diffusion: methodology and relevance for research on Russian politics (Rostov-on-Don, Southern Federal University)
- Dmitry Znamensky Transfer of practices of interaction between the government and the academic community in the context of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology development (Moscow, State University of Management)
- Alexander Balayan and Leonid Tomin Transfer of authoritarian socio-technical model of city governance – case of Moscow (Saint Petersburg, HSE University – St Petersburg and Saint Petersburg State University)
Panel 1.2 Roundtable “Dynamics of policies and regimes in the context of digital transformation” (room 202, RUS)
Chair: Grigorii Tulchinsky, Professor, Department of Public Administration, HSE University – St Petersburg
- Leonid Smorgunov, Saint Petersburg State University
- Andrey Chugunov, ITMO University
- Dmitry Arkatov, HSE University – St Petersburg
14:15 – 16:00 Panel discussions
Panel 2.1 Public Advisory Councils (room 201, RUS)
Chair – Natalia Kozlova, Professor and Head, Department of Political Science, Tver State University
Discussant – Yury Kabanov, Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science and International Relations, HSE University – St. Petersburg
- Mikhail Mizulin Methodological difficulties of studying policy transfer/diffusion/translation (Moscow, The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration)
- Konstantin Sulimov Institutional public councils as stepsons of the state policy of involving the “public” in governance (Perm, Perm State University)
- Egor Nikolaev Feedback effects in public governance: whose court is the ball in? (Ekaterinburg, The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration)
- Sergey Kovylyaev Socio-cultural factors of strategic socio-economic development through the lens of neo-institutional approach (St. Petersburg, Saint Petersburg State University)
- Alexander Sungurov Public chambers and public councils: the danger of imitation (St. Petersburg, HSE)
Panel 2.2 Policy Transfer and Youth Policy (room 202, RUS)
Moderator: Lyudmila Veselova, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, HSE University – St. Petersburg
Discussant: Andrey Scherbak, Head, Department of Political Science and International Relations, HSE University – St. Petersburg
- Sergei Sevastyanov Asian models of adaptation and resistance to classic European approaches to regional governance (St. Petersburg, HSE University – St. Petersburg)
- Svetlana Glushkova On the role of international organizations in the policy transfer process (on the example of the UN) (Yekaterinburg, Humanitarian University)
- Natalia Kozlova and Sergey Rassadin Institute of youth political leaders in the Russian Federation: in search of effective models of youth politics (Tver, Tver State University)
16:20 – 17:00 “Nuances of presidential power change and policy changes in contemporary Kyrgyzstan” (room 401, RUS)
Speaker: Aziz Kanatbek, Director, Institute for research on Western Policies in Central Asia (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)
Moderator: Alexander Sungurov
17:00 – 18:30 Keynote: “New frontiers of research in Policy Transfer, Diffusion and Circulation” (room 401, ENG)
Streaming: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87076337303?pwd=SS8vV0FaTXFVcVVNcmtGczEwZ21pZz09
Speaker: Osmany Porto de Oliveira, Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations, Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) (Brazil)
Moderator: Oleg Korneev
October 23
10:00 – 11:15 Transformation of Armenia’s foreign policy after the 2018 Velvet Revolution: risk factors in Russo-Armenian relations (room 201, RUS)
Speaker: Artur Atanesyan, Professor, Head of the Department of Applied Sociology of Yerevan State University, Armenia
Moderator: Sergei Akopov
11:45 – 13:30 Panel discussions
Panel 3.1 Roundtable: “EU policy transfer in the post-Soviet space” (room 201, ENG)
Streaming: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84030680467?pwd=S3FJYnBjTUZlTFFZZ2lJZ3hJdHFtQT09
Moderator: Oleg Korneev (HSE University – St. Petersburg, Russia)
Discussant: Farhad Mukhtarov (Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands) [TBC]
- Laure Delcour (University Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France)
- Irina Petrova (University College London and University of Kent, UK)
- Anna Ayvazyan (Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia)
- Rodica Plugaru (Research Laboratory PACTE, Grenoble, France)
Panel 3.2 Roundtable: “Looking at policies through the prism of ontological security studies” (room 202, ENG)
Streaming: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89707894558?pwd=WWJIZlZ5WjNQbFVDRm1wa1hySjZkdz09
Moderator: Sergei Akopov, Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, HSE University – St. Petersburg
- Ekaterina Donskikh
- Alexander Nikitian
- Ekaterina Polikarpova
- Elizaveta Timofeeva
- Polina Egorova
14:00-15:45 Panel 4. Government transparency and public budgeting as examples of policy transfer (room 401, RUS)
To join online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88572174190?pwd=WEpoV1JWYlh4eFhudVh1OEd5MTRkZz09
Chair: Alexander Sungurov, HSE University – St. Petersburg, Russia
Discussant: Alexander Nezdurov, HSE University – St. Petersburg, Russia
- Pavel Demidov, Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Moscow
- Andrey Chugunov, ITMO University
- Victor Monakhov, HSE University – Moscow
- Tatyana Margolina, Perm State University
- Tatyana Vinogradova, Saint Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics
15:45 – 16:00 Closing of the Conference (room 201)