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Our student won the Universiade on Management and International Business by Lomonosov Moscow State University

Liudmila Nikitina, the 1st year student of MiF programme, successfully represented our Unoversity at the Universiade on Management and International Business, held by Lomonosov Moscow State University. Liudmila won the competition in English and became one of the winners in Management

As Liudmila says:

More than 45 students from all over Russia and Eastern Europe participated in the Universiade on Management and International Business, held by Lomonosov Moscow State University, in the beginning of April 2018. This event took almost the whole day - the first part was devoted to the English language skills and the second tested knowledge of management. Initially I decided to take part just to test myself, to find out what I could achieve and to see the sights. However, the final results showed that I performed quite successfully.

It is very important for me that Higher School of Economics supports students and finances such educational trips which helps to enhance students` abilities and realize their potential. I strongly recommend to participate in the events like this not just to test your skills and gain knowledge but to see the world, which is more than the university, around you".

We congratulate Liudmila and wish her many new achievements!