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190068 Saint Petersburg
123 Griboedov channel, Room 123

Phone:+7 (812)786-92-49 

Postal address: 
190068 Saint Petersburg
123 Griboedov channel

Department Head Adrian A. Selin
Academic Supervisor Evgeniy Anisimov
Remembering the Neoliberal Turn: Economic Change and Collective Memory in Eastern Europe after 1989

Gökarıksel S., Gontarska O., Hilmar T. et al.

L.: Routledge, 2023.

The Russian Civil War after 100 Years: Within and Beyond the Historiographical Front Lines

Alexander V. Reznik.

Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History. 2024. Vol. 25. No. 3. P. 644-658.

Book chapter
Individualism and Psychology in the Auto/Biography of Lev Trotsky, 1900–20s

Alexander V. Reznik.

In bk.: Revolutionary Biographies in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Imperial – Inter/national – Decolonial. Göttingen: V&R Unipress, 2024. P. 17-34.

Working paper
The Image of the Past in Ciro Spontone’s ‘Historia Della Transilvania’

Khvalkov E., Levin F., Кузнецова А. Д.

Working Papers of Humanities. WP. Издательский дом НИУ ВШЭ, 2021


190068 Saint Petersburg
123 Griboedov channel, Room 123

Phone:+7 (812)786-92-49 

Postal address: 
190068 Saint Petersburg
123 Griboedov channel

Department Head Adrian A. Selin
Academic Supervisor Evgeniy Anisimov


Tatiana Borisova participated in the seminar of the University of Bonn

On January 9 Associate Professor Tatiana Borisova and  Jane Burbank (New York University History Department) gave a talk “Russia’s Legal Trajectories” at History Department of University of Bonn.

About Post-Doc Program for Researchers

Each year HSE hires post-doctoral researchers, accepting applications from all over the world, and they join various laboratories and centres. This year two Fellows joined the Center for Historical Research

Elena Kochetkova Presented Her Paper at a Regular Collogium of the Department of Sciences, University of Aarhus

December, 7 Elena Kochetkova, a senior lecturer at the department of history and researcher of the Laboratory for environmental and technological history, presented her paper at a regular collogium of the department of sciences, University of Aarhus. In October  2016, Prof. Matthias Heymann and the University of Aarhus supported the workshop "Technologies, natural resources and crises in past and present of Europe and beyond" which was held at the depatment of history, HSE - St. Petersburg

Associate Professor Tatiana Borisova successfully defended her PhD in Law

On December15 Associate Professor Tatiana Borisova successfully defended her PhD in Law 'The Emergence of the Legality Tradition in Russia, 1800-1918' at the University of Turku, Finland

Workshop ‘Technology, Natural Resources and Crises in the Past and Present of Europe and Beyond’

HSE St. Petersburg hosts the Workshop ‘Technology, Natural Resources and Crises in the Past and Present of Europe and Beyond’

ASEEES 48th Annual Convention

HSE St Petersburg Research Fellows about ASEEES Convention

Centers and Peripheries in Imagination and Action

What are national and imperial boundaries in the field of law and why do they matter for past and present? These were the key questions of the panel ‘Centers and Peripheries in Imagination and Action: Three Eurasian Examples’ at the Convention of American Society of Legal History in Toronto, October, 27-30, 2016.

Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov gave Key Note Address at the opening of the X Siberian Studies Conference

October, 24 Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov gave Key Note Address “Headman's outrage: towards the anthropology of emotions and affect in Northern Siberia” at the opening of the X Siberian Studies Conference "Passion for Life: Emotions. Feelings and Perception in the North and Siberia” 
The conference is organized by the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology of the Russian Academy of Science (Kunstkamera) and Russian Geographical Society (24-26 October 2016)

Tatiana Borisova Gave a Lectire in the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History

On October 17, Tatiana Borisova was invited by the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History (Frankfurt Am Mein) to give a lecture "Power Politics and the Problem of the Originality of Russian Law in Late Imperial Russia"

Participants of the Project "Comparative Historical Studies of Empire and Nationalism" are organizing a Roundtable at the 48th Convention of the ASEEES

The Head of the Working group of the International Research Project "Comparative Historical Studies of Empire and Nationalism" Professor Alexander Semyonov, the Head of the Project Professor Ronald G.Suny, and the member of the working group postdoc, junior research fellow Anton Kotenko will participate in the 48th annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) in Washington, DC, on Novermber 17-20th.