
Beef Bowls and KFC: Unique Japanese Comfort Food

Beef Bowls and KFC: Unique Japanese Comfort Food
Comfort food is a worldwide phenomenon, and is as unique as many people who enjoy it. In Japan, it takes on a particularly peculiar form.

Let off Some Steam at the Central Museum of Railway Transport

Let off Some Steam at the Central Museum of Railway Transport
The Central Museum of Railway Transport is perfect for getting the museum experience without long lines and big crowds.

Hobbies And Spending Free Time

Hobbies And Spending Free Time
It is undeniable that hobbies bring us a lot of benefits.

Multimedia Art Museum Moscow

Multimedia Art Museum Moscow
The Multimedia Art Museum Moscow is dedicated to the presentation and development of actual art related to new multimedia technologies.

Asian Culture in Saint-Petersburg

Asian Culture in Saint-Petersburg
Let's travel to Asia without leaving Saint-Petersburg with Vlada Pivovarchuk.

Quest In Moscow For HSE Students And Workers

Quest In Moscow For HSE Students And Workers
The quest is created by the HSE student organization “Privet from Moscow” («ПривѢтъ изъ Москвы») for whose who is interested in history, entrepreneurship, patronage and charity.

HSE Art Gallery

HSE Art Gallery
According to the results of the prestigious world educational ranking QS-2021, published on March 4, HSE has improved its position: it entered the top 150 world universities in the subject area "Art and Design" and became the only Russian university represented in this category.


An interview with one of the main organizers of Comicali.Entertainment which is a student standup community.

Sunscreen or Sunblock

Sunscreen or Sunblock
Nguyen Ha analyzes advantages and disadvantages of physical sunscreens and chemical sunscreens.

HSE Students’ Sport Experience

HSE Students’ Sport Experience
Stories about students' sport experience and useful advice how to start doing sport.