
MDI Valley: HSE Students' Organization

MDI Valley: HSE Students' Organization
The HSE is one of the leading universities in which the movement for the creation of student organizations is highly developed. To date, more than 100 student organizations are registered, in which each student can find himself not only something to his liking, but also make new acquaintances, and find true friends and like-minded people. 

Incommunity: How Students Organize Events

Incommunity: How Students Organize Events
A talk with the head of the Event Department of Incommunity - an organization of students and for students of Faculty of Communications, Media, and Design.

HSE as a Social Circle

HSE as a Social Circle
University life can be one of the most challenging periods for a student. However, campus life can become interesting when university authorities and students alike incorporate socials into academics.

Let off Some Steam at the Central Museum of Railway Transport

Let off Some Steam at the Central Museum of Railway Transport
The Central Museum of Railway Transport is perfect for getting the museum experience without long lines and big crowds.

Hobbies And Spending Free Time

Hobbies And Spending Free Time
It is undeniable that hobbies bring us a lot of benefits.

What It Is Like to Be an HSE University Student

What It Is Like to Be an HSE University Student
Van Ly Vu shares her story of becaming a student of HSE.

A Typical Day Of An HSE Student

A Typical Day Of An HSE Student
An interview with Tran My Linh who is an HSE foreign student.

Why and How Did I Choose to Study in Russia?

Why and How Did I Choose to Study in Russia?
Indiana Lokotar, a student of HSE SPb from Belgium, shares her experience of studying in Russia.

Multimedia Art Museum Moscow

Multimedia Art Museum Moscow
The Multimedia Art Museum Moscow is dedicated to the presentation and development of actual art related to new multimedia technologies.

Asian Culture in Saint-Petersburg

Asian Culture in Saint-Petersburg
Let's travel to Asia without leaving Saint-Petersburg with Vlada Pivovarchuk.