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Магистерская программа «Городское развитие и управление»


Участие в летней школе по БРИКС Университета Фудань (Шанхай, Китай) и возможность получения стипендии

Shanghai Summer School (BRICS Program) is a short-term educational program that provides an opportunity for the undergraduates, postgraduates and junior researchers from BRICS countries to live and study in Shanghai, China for one month (from July 6 o August 3).

There are two main courses the students would take: ‘Global Governance and Cooperation among BRICS’ and ‘New Development of China’s Politics and Economy’. The total number of enrollment of the Program is 50, 20 of which enjoy scholarship and 30 are self-financing (non-scholarship). HSE is provided with 1 scholarship for a best applicant.  

 An applicant for either scholarship or non-scholarship must send his/her materials of application to the Center for BRICS Studies at Fudan University (E-mail: bricssummer@126.com) as he/she starts to apply. The list of application materials is shown below:

1. Curriculum Vitae(CV);

2. A transcript of the program he/she is enrolled in; a junior researcher could send us his/her report of degree given by his/her university;

3. A statement of purpose;

4. A completed application form(a blank form and its demonstration are attached in this letter);

5. At least one letter of recommendation given by a professor or an associate professor. (Scholarship applicants are required to send this. However, it is optional for non-scholarship applicants.)

 The deadline for applications is April 22. All applications should be submitted to HSE St.Petersburg Centre for International Education internationaloffice@hse.ru with a copy to echicherina@hse.ru

 The admission name list for the scholarship students will be published on April 29, and the admission name list for the self-financing students will be published on May 5, through official websites of the Center for BRICS Studies and BRICS Information Sharing and Exchanging Platform(http://www.brics-info.org/ ). You may find detailed information about the Program in the introductory brochure of 2016 Shanghai Summer School BRICS Program.

 2016 Shanghai Summer School (BRICS Program) (PDF, 3.73 Мб) 

 Application Form for Shanghai Summer School (DOCX, 21 Кб) 

 Demonstration_Application Form for Shanghai Summer School (PDF, 220 Кб)