Ronald G. Suny: Legacies of Empire in Russian History
Professor of political and social history of the University of Michigan Ronald Suny held a public lecture at the joint session of the seminar “Boundaries of History” of the Faculty of History and Center for Historical Research, and the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research, Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg on March 13, 2014.
Public lecture "Russia's identity in international relations"
Lecture of Professor of Political Science, Tulane University, Raymond Taras
February, 11, 2014 at 16.00 Saint-Petersburg, Promyshlennaya st., 14 A
The lecture will become a part of International Week of HSE – St.Petersburg and Winter School for Prospective Students.
Public Lecture “The Politics of Fear and the Making of Foreign Policy: Case Studies from Europe”
Lecture of Professor of Political Science, Tulane University, Raymond Taras
February, 10, 2014 at 13.00
The lecture will become a part of International Week of HSE – St.Petersburg and Winter School for Prospective Students.
Public Lecture “History as interpretation: from national to transnational history”
Lecture of Professor of Department of History and Ethnology, University of Jyväskylä, Simo Mikkonen
February, 12, 2014 at 17.00
The lecture will become a part of International Week of HSE – St.Petersburg and Winter School for Prospective Students.
Internet Interviewing Will Become the Dominant Survey Mode in the Social Sciences in the Next 10–20 years
The Third LCSR International Workshop is being held in Saint Petersburg from April 26–30, 2013. Marcel Das, Director of CentERdata since 2000, and Professor of Econometrics and Data Collection at Tilburg University, talked to the HSE News Portal beforehand about the topic he would present to the workshop; Innovation in Online Data Collection for Scientific Research.