HSE University Continues to Improve its Academic Reputation in World Rankings
HSE University has improved its position in the QS institutional ranking by 21 places this year, thanks to a significant improvement in academic reputation and assessment of university graduates by employers.
Since 2014, it has advanced almost 200 places and now ranks 322nd among global universities based on the latest ranking published on June 19. Reputational factors (academic reputation and employer assessment) hold a combined weight of 50% in the overall ranking and therefore most greatly influence a university’s score. In each of these aspects, HSE University increased its ranking by more than 50 places. In addition, HSE improved its performance in terms of academic and scientific journal citations and international student enrolment. The ranking includes more than 1,000 universities from 82 countries, including 25 Russian universities, 12 of which are members of the Russian Academic Excellence Project 5-100.
‘Despite our young age,’ says Irina Karelina, Senior Director for Strategic Development at HSE, ‘HSE University continues to improve its academic reputation, which attests to our position as a major member of the global scientific and academic sphere. But the closer we get to the top, the more difficult it is to show drastic growth, as we find ourselves among the ranks of our strongest competitors. Therefore, our improvement in the rankings in all categories this year is a real accomplishment, which we can attribute to our shared efforts.’
The ranking is based on six weighted factors: academic reputation (40%), reputation among employers (10%), the ratio of teachers to students (20%), the number of journal citations per academic staff member (20%), the share of international students (5%) and the share of international faculty (5%).
In the recent QS rankings by subject/faculty, HSE University not only increased its presence by the number of subject rankings up to 16 (vs. 13 in 2018), but considerably grew in almost all subjects. HSE University is now among the Top 100 in three subjects: Sociology, Politics & International Studies, and Economics & Econometrics, as well as in the field of Social Sciences & Management. In the same subjects, HSE University is an absolute leader among Russian higher education institutions.
In the recent QS rankings by subject/faculty, HSE University not only increased its presence by the number of subject rankings up to 16 (vs. 13 in 2018), but considerably grew in almost all subjects. HSE University is among the Top 100 in three subjects: Sociology, Politics & International Studies, and Economics & Econometrics, as well as in the field of Social Sciences & Management. In the same subjects, HSE University is an unconditional leader among Russian higher education institutions.