HSE Comes in 37th in QS BRICS Ranking
Academic excellence projects, similar to Russia’s Project 5-100, are common in many countries, but BRICS countries typically have the largest number of universities participating in such projects. Perhaps that is why the ranking of the top universities in the five BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, prepared by the QS ranking agency, is of particular interest. For two years in a row, 10 Russian universities are steadily entering the top 50 of this ranking. This time, HSE has taken 37 place, improving its result on last year.
A total of 101 Russian universities are on the ranking, of which 24 are in the top 100, including 15 participants of Project 5-100.
The QS BRICS University Rankings was created in 2013. This year, the QS team again expanded the list, which now includes 400 universities in Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa as compared to 300 last year.
The QS BRICS ranking assesses universities by 8 basic parameters: academic reputation over a period of 5 years (30%), employer reputation over a period of 5 years (20%), faculty/student ratio (20%), papers per faculty (10%), staff with a PhD (10%), citations per paper (5%), share of international students (2.5%), and international faculty (2.5%).