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Experiments in Political and Social Sciences

Academic Year
Instruction in English
ECTS credits
Course type:
Elective course
2 year, 2, 3 module


Kozlov, Stanislav

Чистяков Игорь Максимович

Course Syllabus


The course introduces the development of experimental social science and behavioral decision-making models. It also aims to teach how to conduct experiments in the laboratory. The course will cover successively the main approaches to the experimental study of individual behavior, strategic interaction, and alternative models of interactive strategic choice. Examples of practical applications of these methods to the analysis of organizational behavior, political movements, negotiation processes, etc., are discussed.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • Acquire basic knowledge on planning and conducting empirical research
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • has an idea about pre-experimental research plans and their shortcomings, does not apply pre-experimental plans in research work
  • has a firm grasp of the necessary conditions for cause-and-effect conclusion
  • is able to differentiate between an experiment and other types of research, as well as various types of experiment
  • knows various experimental designs, their strengths and weaknesses, and is able to choose an (quasi-)experimental design that is adequate to both hypothesis and resources at hand
  • knows how nonexperimental studies relate to experimental research
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Theory and Research
  • Empirical data
  • Origins of causality
  • Research Ethics
  • Experimental design
  • Quasi-experimental designs
  • Causal modeling
  • Nonexperimental research
  • Statistical inference
  • Knowing your sample
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Classwork
    Estimation formula: 0.5 * (attended classes / total number of classes) + (active participation / (total number of classes -2))) The total score consists of two parts: attendance and activity during classes. “Activity” suggests asking questions and making meaningful contributions to a current discussion.
  • non-blocking Article analysis
    This is an individual task. Students select articles that are claimed by their authors to be experimental and submit those to the lecturer. After articles are approved by the lecturer, students a submit a written report in which a critical analysis of the article is carried out according to the plan below. The full text of the analyzed article should be attached to the work. Task deadlines: 7 days – first submission of an article 7 days – article approval by the lecturer 3 days – resubmission of an article if it was’t approved the first time 7 days – writing and submitting a report on the article Report plan: 1. Title and authors of the article. 2. Brief summary of the article. 3. Analysis of the experimental study presented in the article: a. An actual type of the presented study b. Research hypotheses c. Construct operationalization, dependent and independent variables d. Exact experimental type e. Confounding variables and means to control them f. Collected data analysis g. Authors’ conclusions, theoretical predictions and alternative explanations 4. Criticism of the study OR a reasoned justification that it was performed in an ideal way 5. Ways to improve the experimental design OR a reasoned justification that any modification to the experimental design would not benefit the study
  • non-blocking Tests
    Estimation formula: W * (N_c - N_e/(n-m)) where N_c is the number of correct answers, N_e is the number of erroneous answers, n is the number of options per item, m is the number of correct options per item, and W is the weight of an item. During the course students will receive two tests, each consisting of 10 close-ended questions: 8 single and 2 multiple choice questions. For single choice questions W = 1, for multiple choice questions W = 2.
  • non-blocking Research project
    This task can be performed in groups of 1-2 students and demands presenting a research project aiming to verify a causal hypothesis. Presentation must include a scientific problem at hand, research hypothesis, experimental design and expected results.
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2022/2023 3rd module
    0.25 * Research project + 0.25 * Article analysis + 0.3 * Tests + 0.2 * Classwork


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Handbook of psychology. Vol.4: Experimental psychology, , 2013

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Thyer, B. A. (2012). Quasi-Experimental Research Designs. New York: Oxford University Press. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=422245
