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190068 Saint Petersburg
123 Griboedov channel, Room 123

Phone:+7 (812)786-92-49 

Postal address: 
190068 Saint Petersburg
123 Griboedov channel

Department Head Adrian A. Selin
Academic Supervisor Evgeniy Anisimov
Remembering the Neoliberal Turn: Economic Change and Collective Memory in Eastern Europe after 1989

Gökarıksel S., Gontarska O., Hilmar T. et al.

L.: Routledge, 2023.

The Russian Civil War after 100 Years: Within and Beyond the Historiographical Front Lines

Alexander V. Reznik.

Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History. 2024. Vol. 25. No. 3. P. 644-658.

Book chapter
Individualism and Psychology in the Auto/Biography of Lev Trotsky, 1900–20s

Alexander V. Reznik.

In bk.: Revolutionary Biographies in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Imperial – Inter/national – Decolonial. Göttingen: V&R Unipress, 2024. P. 17-34.

Working paper
The Image of the Past in Ciro Spontone’s ‘Historia Della Transilvania’

Khvalkov E., Levin F., Кузнецова А. Д.

Working Papers of Humanities. WP. Издательский дом НИУ ВШЭ, 2021


190068 Saint Petersburg
123 Griboedov channel, Room 123

Phone:+7 (812)786-92-49 

Postal address: 
190068 Saint Petersburg
123 Griboedov channel

Department Head Adrian A. Selin
Academic Supervisor Evgeniy Anisimov

Tag "Centre for Historical Research" – News

CfPs for the workshop 'Towards an institutional ethnography of late socialism', 16-18 December 2021 (Moscow)

CfPs for the workshop 'Towards an institutional ethnography of late socialism', 16-18 December 2021 (Moscow)
The workshop сalls for papers interested in charting the everyday workings of late-Soviet state institutions. We hail from a basecamp of a major research project on this theme that we have just started at the HSE. Workshop keynote addresses: Alexei Yurchak (Berkeley) and Sergei Abashin (European Universit, St Petersburg); conference organiser: Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov (HSE St Petersburg).

New articles by Alexander Semyonov and Anton Kotenko

New articles by Alexander Semyonov and Anton Kotenko
Articles have been prepared as part of the "Post-Imperial Diversity" project which is being implemented in 2018-2020 as part of a fundamental research competition conducted by the RFBR in the Era.net RUS Plus Research Program in a research consortium with the Karelian Institute of the University of Eastern Finland and the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity of the University of Goettingen, Germany

Between Pathos and Populism. Politics of Memory and Culture of Remembrance in Modern Germany

Between Pathos and Populism. Politics of Memory and Culture of Remembrance in Modern Germany
The study trip of a  students group of the History Department to Berlin from May 2 to May 9 was organized with the support of DAAD associate professor Dietmar Wulff and the manager of the Center for Historical Research Vadim Popov. The seminar entitled «Between Pathos and Populism» was devoted to studying the conceptions of the memorial culture and historical policy in modern Germany.

A New Routledge Series

Routledge, the world's leading academic publisher in the Humanities and Social Sciences, launches a new series on Imperial Hisrory: Imperial Transformations – Russian, Soviet and Post-Soviet History. Series' editors are the Head of the Working group of the International Research Project "Comparative Historical Studies of Empire and Nationalism" Professor Alexander Semyonov, and the Head of the Project Professor Ronald G.Suny.

Russia's Global Legal Trajectories

Russia's Global Legal Trajectories
Tatiana Borisova at February conferences on international law in London

Nikolay Karamzin and the Red Army: February Anniversaries in the Richard Stites Memorial Historical Library

The Centre for Historical Research and the HSE in St Petersburg Bachelor's Programme 'History' carry on the joint students' project on promoting the Richard Stites Memorial Historical Library

"More than just the boon of free coffee"

"More than just the boon of free coffee"
Being a postdoc at HSE Center for Historical Research: Dominic A. Martin

Tragedy of the Parliamentary Democracy in the 20th cent.: January Anniversaries in the Richard Stites Memorial Historical Library

The Centre for Historical Research and the HSE in St Petersburg Bachelor's Programme 'History' carry on the joint students' project on promoting the Richard Stites Memorial Historical Library

National Research University - Higher School of Economics Center for Historical Research in St. Petersburg invites applications for postdoctoral research position in the field of Russian and Soviet history – apply by February, 15th 2018

95th Anniversary of the Creation of the USSR in the Richard Stites Memorial Historical Library

The Centre for Historical Research and the HSE in St Petersburg Bachelor's Programme 'History' carry on the students' project on promoting the Richard Stites Memorial Historical Library
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