Dr. Arturo Zoffmann Rodriguez on Spanish Anarchists and Revolutionary Emotions
On April 30, Dr. Arturo Zoffmann Rodriguez, a researcher and lecturer at the Institute of Contemporary History (IHC) at the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities/ IN2PAST, in Lisbon, Portugal, presented his book "The Spanish Anarchists and the Russian Revolution, 1917–24: Anguish and Enthusiasm" in the framework of the regular research seminar of the Center for Historical Research and the Department of History.

VII International Research Conference "Usable Pasts"
Applications for participation in the VII International Scientific Conference “Usable Pasts” organized by the Department of History of the Higher School of Economics – St. Petersburg and the Student Research Society, are open by February 15, 2022.
Empires without Emperors, Emperors without Empires: Alexander Semyonov gave an interview to «Expert Online»
Online newspaper «Expert Online» has published the interview with Alexander Semyonov, Director of the Centre for Historical Research and Head of the Depatment of History.

Transcaucasian Model of Diversity Governing: a Talk by Etienne Peyrat
On February 15, 2019 the Center for Historical Research at the HSE in St Petersburg hosted an ERA.Net research seminar. Etienne Peyrat (Sciences Po Lille) presented his talk "Imperial transition and regional integration in the South Caucasus (1900s-1930s)"

LSE and HSE University – St Petersburg Support Russian Historians
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and HSE University – St Petersburg launch the Paulsen Programme, funded by the Dr Frederik Paulsen Foundation, in order to support historians in Russia who have been working on the period from the mid 17th century to 1918.

Alexander Semyonov advises Brazilian TV show
Weekly TV-show Fantástico made a report about the centerary of October Revolution. The report was based on an interview with the director of the Center for Historial Research Alexander Semyonov.