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Summary of Degree Programme

Field of Studies

41.03.05 International Relations

41.03.04 Political Science

Approved by
30.07.2014 №
HSE University Educational Standard
Last Update
13.12.2024, Сouncil of St. Petersburg School of Social Sciences, №
Network Programme


Length of Studies, Mode of Studies, Credit Load

4 года

Full-time, 240

Language of instruction


Choice of a Russian or English track

Qualification upon graduation


Double-degree Programme


Use of online learning

With online tools

Competitive Advantages

The program 'Political Science and World Politics' is implemented in English, which, on the one hand, will allow students to constantly improve their language skills competencies, on the other hand, to attract a wide range of foreign students whose interest in the direction “International Relations” is traditionally high. Moreover, students will be able to receive a diploma from an English-language program, and benefits when participating in international mobility and admission to master's programs. This offer is unique, since other educational programs in Political science proposed by the Russian universities are in Russian.

The combination of political science and international relations in one program promotes a comprehensive understanding of social, political and economic processes, the relationship between the domestic and foreign policies of states. Students have the opportunity to obtain two specialties in different areas of training: 41.00.00 “Political science and regional studies” and 41.03.05 “International Relations”.

The educational program involves the implementation of four regional tracks: Europe, China, Latin America and the Post-Soviet space. The uniqueness of the present educational product is to study not only the features of development of states and societies in the regions of specialization, but also the logic and principles of implementation of their foreign policy, international regional cooperation and positioning on the international stage. In accordance with the requirements of the standard, in addition to teaching in English, students will study a second foreign language (Chinese, German, French, Portuguese, Spanish, for foreign students – Russian).

The advantage of the program is its applied focus, expressed in two specializations related to policy analysis, as well as foreign policy analysis and international consulting. Disciplines of specializations are implemented in accordance with modern trends in the field methodology of political science and international relations studies (including quantitative methods and the usage of AI), and are also complemented by a wide range of elective disciplines – both substantive and methodological.

The wide profile of the educational program presupposes the presence of several partners in different fields. When implementing the educational program, it is planned to interact with the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, including those dealing with evidence-based policy issues and evaluation of programs and policies based on big data. The current educational program has a long and successful experience of cooperation with The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, including the preparation of the report “Openness of the State in Russia.” To develop competencies related to GR management and applied political analytics for business, it is expected to develop interaction with corporate relations department of Yandex LLC, Lenpoligrafmash holding, and also with expert analytical centers (Center for Strategic Research Foundation, ANO “Dialogue”). It is also possible to interact with the GR departments of HSE partner organizations (for example, there is a fruitful experience in joint projects with the company “GEROPHARM”).

In order to develop the competencies related to international risk management and consulting, it is expected to establish closer interaction with JSC “Business Solutions and technology” and other consulting corporations.

The faculty of the Department of Political science and International Affairs at the HSE – St. Petersburg consists of high-quality specialists in both fields of Political science and International relations. The department has expertise in applied analytics and use of advanced data analysis tools. The applied component of the program will be strengthened by attracting the instructors-practitioners with experience in this area, and the implementation of the program in English will allow attracting foreign instructors.

Professional Activities and Competencies of Programme Graduates


The mission of the educational program is to train specialists capable of providing analytical and advisory support in the field of assessment, development and promoting political, managerial and foreign policy decisions in the country, regional and international context. Such specialists have a comprehensive vision of domestic political and international processes, expertise in assessing country and macro-regional risks, knowledge of the characteristics of social economic and political development of countries and regions, as well as modern methods of collecting and analyzing empirical data (qualitative and quantitative, including the use of artificial intelligence), have negotiation and project management skills. They can work in information and analytical departments of government authorities, GR departments of companies, expert analytical centers and “thought factories”, international consulting agencies.


— PC-1: Able to apply the theoretical, methodological and conceptual apparatus of political science and international relations to solving problems of professional activity in government and governance bodies, non-governmental and international organizations, political and business structures, as well as the media

— PC-2: Able to analyze and interpret global and international political, social and economic processes to support governance decision-making and prepare information and analytical materials, including for the media

— PC-3: Able to conduct applied analysis of political, foreign policy, organizational and governance processes, as well as policies to determine the features of their functioning and formulate proposals for their transformation

— PC-4: Able to determine the features and trends of socio-political development of regions and countries of the world, and also take them into account when implementing the tasks of professional activity

— PC-5: Able to provide advisory services on development and provision of international and domestic political activities to government authorities, representatives of business structures, institutions, organizations, other interested parties

— PC-6: Able to solve research and information-analytical problems of professional activity using methods of collecting and analyzing data relevant to the goals and direction of this activity


Area of ​​professional activity

Types of professional tasks

PC codes

01 Education and science (in the field of scientific research on Political science and International Relations)

Scientific research

PC-5; PC-6

06 Communications, information and communication technologies (in the areas of promotion and distribution of socio-political media products, management of political and information resources, including in the information and telecommunications network


PC-1; PC-2; PC-4

07 Administrative management and office activities (in the areas of resolving political conflicts and disputes through mediation procedures; administering relationships between government bodies, business organizations, public organizations and citizens; political and management activities in political parties, international organizations, political and public institutions, subjects of economic and educational activities; organizational and documentation support for organization management)

Organizational and managerial


PC-1; PC-2; PC-3; PC-4

11 Mass media (in the field of journalistic activities related to the coverage of domestic and foreign policy issues in the media, periodicals, as well as in sociopolitical and popular science literature and fiction)


PC-1; PC-2; PC-4

Scope of expert analytical activity and interaction with government authorities, non-governmental and international organizations



PC-1; PC-2; PC-3; PC-4; PC-5; PC-6


Programme Modules

The Major includes the Core Professional Block and the Elective Professional Block. The Core Professional Block incudes the key compulsory courses on International Relations, Political Science, Regional and Area Studies, International Political Economy and adjacent fields, as well as the Second Foreign Language, chosen by a student from the following options:  Chinese, German, French, Portuguese, Spanish, for foreign students – Russian.


Elective Professional Block includes the Research Seminar and Project Seminar, as well as the elective disciplines, divided into several blocks:

  • Regional Track: courses, devoted to the peculiarities of political, social and economic development, doing business and international relations of one of the four political and geographical regions: Europe and the EU, China, Latin America and Post-Soviet Space.
  • Comparative Policy Studies: courses devoted to the selected public policy areas in a comparative perspective. Those include migration policy, energy policy, sustainable development policy and language policy
  • Comparative Politics: courses devoted to the selected topics in the research of governance and government in modern societies.
  • World Politics and International Relations: courses, devoted to the selected topics and issues in International Relations and World Politics.
  • Research Methods: disciplines, aimed at developing research skills in particular techniques of data collection and analysis within Political Science and International Relations, as well as decision-making in Politics and Governance.

Internships include Professional Internship, Project Internship and Research Internship.

Professional Internship includes Educational Internship (3rd year of study) and Work Experience Internship (4th year of study). Project Internship includes projects.

Research Internship includes Research Term Papers on the second and third years of study, and Graduation Thesis preparation (4th year of study).


In addition, the program allows students define individual educational trajectory. This is achieved, in particular, by choosing one of two specializations in the third and fourth years of study: “Applied policy analysis for state and business” (Academic head: Stremoukhov D. A.), which concentrates on Political Analysis with a focus on methods of evidence-based policy and GR-Management, as well as “Applied foreign policy analysis and international consulting” (Academic head: Sorbale A.B.), which focuses on International Policy Assessment.

Specializations consist of four disciplines of 5 credits each (total 20 credits) and are organized as follows: the first discipline introduces students to the subject field and introduces key theoretical and methodological approaches in the field of political analysis (public policy) or international relations. Second discipline is a workshop on the use of techniques used for assessing sectoral policies or country risks. The third discipline expands analytical tools available to students through training in the latest methods in the field of evidence-based policy or analysis of international processes, including using the capabilities of artificial intelligence. Finally, the fourth discipline prepares students to apply previously acquired skills in specific professional fields: GR management or international consulting.

Information Circle
Information about choosing tracks / Selection (Assignment) of Tracks/Specializations

Admission to the program "Political Science and World Politics" is carried out by two separate competitions: for places on the specialization in Political Science and places on the specialization in International Relations. Students are admitted to the specialization "Applied policy analysis for state and business" in case of participation in the competition in Political Science and to the specialization "Applied policy analysis for state and business" in case of participation in the competition in International Relations. During the period of study, transition from one specialization to another is not implied. However, students have the opportunity to take disciplines of the specialization of the opposite track during their studies (20 credits in addition to their major of 240 credits) and, upon graduation from the program, receive a diploma confirming the bachelor's level training in two specializations: Political Science and International Relations.

Options for Students with Disabilities

This degree programme of HSE University is adapted for students with special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities. There is a specially designed Physical Education course available for such students (Syllabus of the adapted Physical Education course). Special assistive technology and teaching aids are used for collective and individual learning of students with SEN and disabilities. The specific adaptive features of the programme are listed in each subject's full syllabus and are available to students through the online Learning Management System.

Programme Documentation

All documents of the degree programme are stored electronically on this website. Curricula, calendar plans, and syllabi are developed and approved electronically in corporate information systems. Their current versions are automatically published on the website of the degree programme. Up-to-date teaching and learning guides, assessment tools, and other relevant documents are stored on the website of the degree programme in accordance with the local regulatory acts of HSE University.

I hereby confirm that the degree programme documents posted on this website are fully up-to-date.

Vice Rector Sergey Yu. Roshchin

Summary of Degree Programme 'Political Science and World Politics'

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