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Бакалаврская программа «Социология и социальная информатика»

Project Proposal

Учебный год
Обучение ведется на английском языке
Курс обязательный
Когда читается:
4-й курс, 3 модуль


Course Syllabus


The preparation and defense of Project Proposals is a mandatory element of thethesis preparation. Project Proposal must be conducted in accordance with theannual thesis preparation Guidelines announced by the Faculty Board.The Project Proposal (2500 - 3500 words) should reflect the accomplished workon thesis writing and include the topic description, problem statement, andresearch questions; the relation of the thesis’s topic to existing researchareas based on the literature review; description and motivation behind theproposed methodology, data, and method. The proposal should not only list whatthe student plans to do but also convince the readers of the feasibility of thestudy and the proposed study plan.Literature review in the Project Proposal should cover the main research areasrelated to the thesis topic and analyze no less than 15 key English-languagereferences. As a mandatory appendix to the project proposal, the studentattaches the full list of references for the literature review, indicating theexact search query used for obtaining the list when using the bibliographysearch engines. If this appendix is missing, the literature review band isgraded “0”.In case of conducting the bachelor thesis as a scientific paper, the studenthas a right to provide the Project Proposal formatted in accordance with thepublisher's requirements, but it should still communicate the main points required by the Guidelines.