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Бакалаврская программа «Политология и мировая политика»


Second Foreign Language (Spanish)

Учебный год
Обучение ведется на английском языке
Курс по выбору
Когда читается:
2-й курс, 3, 4 модуль


Course Syllabus


The course is aimed at acquirement basic knowledge and competences of modern Spanish language, including phonetics, graphics, normative grammar and vocabulary in the amount provided by the course. The course consists of tutorials (112 hours). Tutorials or practice run provide students with basic knowledge of phonetics, intonation, pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary of modern German and focus on practical activities and exercises as well as project work. The tutorials also involve feedback on students’ written work, aimed at developing basic linguistic knowledge and practical skills of German, presenting the project results and home-reading in the written and oral forms.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • • Able to learn and demonstrate skills in the field, other than the major field, in Spanish.
  • • Able to conduct professional activities internationally
  • • The course is aimed at acquirement basic knowledge and competences of modern Spanish language, including phonetics, graphics, normative grammar and vocabulary in the amount provided by the course.
  • • Able to conduct professional activities internationally in Spanish.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • to be able to make simple dialogs and to conduct a monologue on a given topic
  • to be able to support a conversation and to write simple essays on a specified topic
  • to be able to demonstrate the necessary communication skills at the A2.1 level
  • to be able to use vocabulary and the necessary grammar on the topic
  • to be able to socialize: greet, say hello, say goodbye, introduce him/herself to someone (formal and informal), apologize, congratulate someone
  • to be able to organize a discussion: establish communication and react, ask for a person and respond, ask to start a story, introduce a story topic, organize information, interrupt
  • to be able to give and ask for personal, food, product, pricing and object information, give and ask for information about reasons and causes, the information about the time and about purposes
  • to be able to describe and narrate: locate objects in a space, identify people, talk about other people, describe connections and similarities, describe the development of an action in the present and the past, narrate present events, a daily routine, historical events, describe and compare objects, describe and physically compare people and personalities, describe situations in the past, locate actions in time, etc.
  • to be able to express opinions, attitudes and knowledge: argue, express and justify an opinion, agree, disagree, evaluate an idea and a fact, assess relationships, express the cause, consequence and purpose, difficulty, express and defend our abilities, generalize
  • to be able to express tastes, desires and emotions: talk about tastes, preferences and feelings, intentions and projects, express interest, surprise, disgust and gratefulness, physical sensations, pain or annoyance
  • to be able to influence the interlocutor: invite, get someone’s attention, give instructions and advice, make recommendations, express prohibition
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Greetings
  • Pleased to meet you
  • My family
  • My friend
  • My day
  • Times of day
  • My house, My apartment, My room
  • In the city, Travelling, My trip, Hotel
  • In a restaurant, Shopping, Clothes and Fashion
  • Health
  • Biography
  • When I was small
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Final test
    An examination test takes place 5-10 days before the oral part of the exam. The test includes reading, grammar, vocabulary and writing parts. 3 hours for the test. The final test consists of 5-10 parts and includes vocabulary and grammar writing assignments.
  • non-blocking Oral answer (exam)
    The oral part of the exam is on tickets (a survey on the course materials). On the oral part of the exam, the student pulls out a ticket in which one topic is given. 10- 15 minutes are given for preparation. The teacher has the right to ask additional questions. Exam format: teacher in class, students in class. During the exam, students are forbidden to: communicate (on social networks, with people in the room), use notes and tips, write them off. During the exam, students are allowed to: use a blank Word sheet to record a short answer. A short-term communication failure during the exam is considered a communication failure of less than a minute. A long-term communication disruption during an exam is a violation of a minute or more. In case of a long-term communication disruption, the student cannot continue to participate in the exam.
  • non-blocking Midterm tests
    The Midterm test (2- hours duration) is carried out at the end of each Module of the Semester. Midterm test includes vocabulary and grammar assignments and can be composed with different exercises and activities based on the material of the course. Students take Midterm test individually in class.
  • non-blocking Active participation in class
    1. Homework (10%): The Homework is offered to the Students during all the semester and it can be 3-5 Homeworks in one Module. Homework includes vocabulary and grammar assignments and can include different exercises and activities based on the material of the course. Students take this Homework individually. 2. Oral performing (10%): Oral performing includes different activities in class oral for the development of oral speech of Students, based on work with audio, video and text materials and composition of dialogues and monologues. 3. Written work (8%): The Written work (1- 2- hours duration) is carried out at the end of each topic in the syllabus. Written work includes vocabulary and grammar assignments. The Written work is offered to the Students during all the semester and it can be 3-5 Written works in one Module. Written work can include different exercises and activities based on the material of the course. Students take Written work individually in class. Extra work: 1. Project work (10%): Project work involves the creation of a presentation - individually. Each presentation should have 7-10 slides with information (50-75 % of each slide). The student freely talks about the material using her/his presentation. 7-12 minutes are given for the performance. The presentation is a required part of the course and is done by the student at the end of some units. There are 2 Presentations in the course: My family (the 1st Module), My city (the 2nd Module). 2. Essays (10%): There are 2 Essays in the course: My classmate (the 1st Module), My day (the 2nd Module) (75- 100 words each of them).
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2024/2025 4th module
    0.24 * Active participation in class + 0.24 * Active participation in class + 0.28 * Final test + 0.06 * Midterm tests + 0.06 * Midterm tests + 0.12 * Oral answer (exam)
  • 2025/2026 2nd module
    0.24 * Active participation in class + 0.24 * Active participation in class + 0.28 * Final test + 0.06 * Midterm tests + 0.06 * Midterm tests + 0.12 * Oral answer (exam)
  • 2025/2026 4th module
    0.48 * Active participation in class + 0.28 * Final test + 0.06 * Midterm tests + 0.06 * Midterm tests + 0.12 * Oral answer (exam)


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Potowski, K., & Shin, N. L. (2019). Gramática Española : Variación Social. New York: Routledge. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1554009

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Fernandez, S. S., & Falk, J. (2014). Temas de gramática española para estudiantes universitarios : Una aproximación cognitiva y funcional. Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften.


  • Diugaeva Irina Dmitrievna
  • Peregudova Tatiana Vladislavovna
  • Ursul Natalia Valerevna