Tag "interview"

HSE Illuminated Authors Talk about the Magazine

HSE Illuminated Authors Talk about the Magazine
Liubov Zaytseva interviews the authors of the magazine from all over the world on their writing experience.

How To Fit in with Other Culture?

How To Fit in with Other Culture?
International students go abroad to enter universities, why and how? Read about their experience.

Jazz and the City: Billy's Band

Jazz and the City: Billy's Band
Interview with the frontman of jazz band that have become the same symbol for St. Petersburg as the White Nights and Drawbridges.

Is It Difficult To Get into the University in Another Country?

Is It Difficult To Get into the University in Another Country?
Interview with Roman Avsyukevich, an international student of the HSE in St. Petersburg.

Curators at HSE: Who Are They?

Curators at HSE: Who Are They?
Vasily Ivanov, who was a curator during 2018-2019 study year, speaks about curators, their role and duties.

Ball SHEM. Vintage Dance in Tsarist Capital

Ball SHEM. Vintage Dance in Tsarist Capital
The party of charming beauty by the HSE students.

"Grazhdanin Politolog": a Way of Life, and Not Just a Line in CV

"Grazhdanin Politolog": a Way of Life, and Not Just a Line in CV
How to understand the nature of project, its goals and values? Simply ask those who organize it. Read more about “Grazhdanin Politolog” and find incredible information about them.