Tag "people"

Innovative Pedagogy in Action: Kseniia Boiko’s Impactful Teaching at HSE St. Petersburg

Innovative Pedagogy in Action: Kseniia Boiko’s Impactful Teaching at HSE St. Petersburg
In the atmosphere of higher education, the influence of exceptional educators extends far beyond the confines of the classroom.

Cut! First Live Concert of Kinda Session

Cut! First Live Concert of Kinda Session
The applause of the audience, the light of the spotlights, the atmosphere of love for music.

Study Office Wizards

Study Office Wizards
Every morning, as international students make their way to the Study Office, there are a few friendly faces ready to greet them by their names, know their tracks, and even are aware of their schedules. 

From Prosecco to Nastoïki: The Adventures of two Italians in Russia

From Prosecco to Nastoïki: The Adventures of two Italians in Russia
Two Italian students about to finish their studies at HSE open up about their experience in Russia.

Moscow Life of HSE International Students

Moscow Life of HSE International Students
International students of HSE Moscow campus share their experiences of living in a foreign city.

Sharing HSE International Community Is Incredible

Sharing HSE International Community Is Incredible
Flor Juan Pablo, student in Contemporary Jouralism from Bolivia shares his life and study at HSE.

Empowering International Student Voices

Empowering International Student Voices
An Interview with Muhammad Sarim Jalal, President of CISA at Higher School of Economics.

Building Relationships Away from Home

Building Relationships Away from Home
On the path of life, we encounter strangers, opening the doors of our souls to connect and cultivate relationships. Personal reflections of Huong Dang.

HSE Gym and Important Life Lessons

HSE Gym and Important Life Lessons
We can learn anywhere, anytime, even in our discomforts. HSE University Gym, taught me what I didn't learn inside the classroom.

I Am not an Expert yet, but I Do Like Studying here

I Am not an Expert yet, but I Do Like Studying here
I am fascinated by people, their way of life, and their motivation. While you may not see me at the biggest parties or student events, the lives of my classmates are interesting to me.