Innovative Pedagogy in Action: Kseniia Boiko’s Impactful Teaching at HSE St. Petersburg

In the atmosphere of higher education, the influence of exceptional educators extends far beyond the confines of the classroom.

Innovative Pedagogy in Action: Kseniia Boiko’s Impactful Teaching at HSE St. Petersburg

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

They inspire, challenge, and cultivate the intellectual curiosity of their students, leaving an indelible mark on their academic and professional journeys. At the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) in St. Petersburg, students are privileged to learn from a diverse faculty committed to academic excellence and innovative teaching. Among them, one lecturer amongst others has recently captured my admiration and respect with her dynamic approach to teaching and unparalleled dedication.

When I first enrolled in the "Innovation in Organizational Management" course at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) in St. Petersburg, I didn't know what to expect. The subject itself was intriguing, but what truly captivated my interest was the lecturer, Kseniia Boiko. As someone who had never taught master's students before, she was stepping into uncharted territory. However, from the very first lecture, it was clear that she possessed a unique blend of talent, enthusiasm, and innovative teaching methods that would leave a lasting impact on all of us.

I wasn't alone in my admiration; just like my classmates, I was impressed by her ability to make complex concepts accessible and engaging. Her teaching style was unlike anything I had experienced before. It wasn't just about the content; it was about how she brought that content to life, making each session interactive and thought-provoking. Kseniia's approach went beyond traditional lectures, incorporating real-world case studies, collaborative projects, and the latest technological tools to enhance our learning experience.

When I think back to the beginning of the semester, I remember the curiosity and a bit of apprehension I felt about the "Innovation in Organizational Management" course. The course title alone promised a deep dive into a field that was crucial yet challenging. What made this course even more intriguing was the fact that it was being taught by Kseniia Boiko, a lecturer who, despite being relatively young and new to teaching master's students, came highly recommended. Yes, it is a safe conclusion to make. She came highly recommended. Triggered by curiosity and quest uncover the secrete, I had an interview with Kseniia Boiko.

Can you tell us about your educational background and how it has influenced your teaching approach?

Well, I hold a Master`s degree in Finance from HSE University, where I specialized in financial management. However, my academic journey has been profoundly influenced by the interdisciplinary nature of my studies, which encompassed innovation management, project management and so on.  Also, I was very inspired by my master thesis tutor. She is a great specialist in innovation management.  But only during my PhD I finally realized that I would like to conduct some researches in the innovation management. I published my article in the great journal from Q1 list and after that decided to share my knowledge and experience with students.  Throughout my education, I was exposed to a variety of teaching methods, from traditional lectures to hands-on projects and collaborative workshops. This diverse educational experience has shaped my teaching approach to be both comprehensive and dynamic. I believe in blending theoretical knowledge with practical application, ensuring that students can not only understand key concepts but also apply them in real-world scenarios.

What are some of the innovative teaching methods that you incorporate into your lessons, and why do you believe they are effective?

Talking about the teaching methods, I would like to say that in my courses, I emphasize case studies and simulation exercises that mirror the complexities and challenges of innovation management in actual business environments. This approach helps students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are essential for managing innovation effectively. Also, I try to implement different gamification elements such as leader board, stashes, badges in the course. For instance, for the innovation management course I wrote the story about the Time Machine. If you ask me about innovative teaching methods, I will answer that including gamification in course content is a quite innovative approach in our university. The main idea of the «game» is to find the hidden artifacts in Smart LMS in order to fix the time machine and be able to travel back to the future. For different courses, I usually develop a new story. I always try to create an engaging and interactive learning experience for my students. So, gamification helps me to make my lessons more interactive and effective.

How do you measure the impact of your teaching on your students' understanding and application of innovation in organization management?

Measuring the impact of my teaching on students' understanding and application of innovation in organization management involves a multifaceted approach, combining both qualitative and quantitative assessments. First of all, I use pre-course surveys and tests to gauge students' initial understanding of innovation concepts or at least field of study. Also, throughout the course, I incorporate various assessments, such as quizzes, mid-term exams, and final projects, to continuously monitor students' grasp of the material and their ability to apply concepts in practical scenarios. Moreover, regular feedback sessions and anonymous surveys allow students to share their experiences and suggest improvements. This feedback helps me adjust my teaching methods to better meet their learning needs. In my opinion, students` course assessment is one of the most important measures of my teaching methods. For example, I had a case with the bachelor student. That student did not attend lessons in HSE and usually had very lower grades (I know that because I participated in his exams re-taking for other courses). However, the student didn`t miss my classes as he enjoyed the teaching style. That was the most relevant measure of my teaching method.  Later that student included some concepts from my course in his bachelor thesis (But the main topic wasn`t about innovations). That`s about the application of innovation management. Monitoring the career paths of graduates, particularly their involvement in innovation roles or projects, can be also a great measure of the practical applicability and effectiveness of the course content.

What are your goals for your students beyond academic success, and how do you support their overall development?

That`s not an easy question. Obviously, boost students` academic success is one of the main priorities in the educational process. However, I aim to foster their overall personal and professional development.  I try to encourage students to take initiative and develop their leadership skills. In my opinion, to think out of boxes is very important soft skill for any student. That`s why, I attempt to foster students` creativity on my courses. For example, I use the Six Hats techniques, SCAMPER, brainstorming which are well-known in the business world. I usually share a list of recommended books about creativity, leadership or critical-thinking with the students.

This was Kseniia's first time teaching at the master's level. She was stepping into a new role, and naturally, we wondered how she would handle the challenges that come with teaching a diverse group of students with varying levels of experience and expectations. Little did we know that her approach would soon set a new standard for excellence in our academic journey.

Finally, you said teaching masters’ students of International Business in the Asian Pacific Region, was your first time teaching graduate students. Could you please describe how you felt? Did you enjoy teaching?

Sure. As you mentioned, that was my first experience teaching master students. Before my first lecture, I was very worried, as it was quite risky to use the same teaching approach for master students as I usually use for bachelor students. And I was really surprised that it worked.  The main difference between masters and bachelor students is that master students fully involve in the educational process. It was a great pleasure for me to organize discussions and play games with them. To be honest, we didn`t even finish the last topic in the course because of the time constraints.  That`s the best outcome for me in teaching master students.

Oh yes! Her teaching mechanisms worked perfectly. From the outset, Kseniia made it clear that she was not just there to teach us the basics of organizational management but to inspire us to think innovatively and critically. Her approach was anything but conventional. She introduced us to a dynamic blend of theory and practice, using case studies that were relevant and often directly tied to current industry challenges. This real-world application of concepts made the subject matter not only more interesting but also more applicable to our future careers.

As the semester progressed to the end, it became clear that Kseniia Boiko was making a significant impact on all of us. To capture this, I decided to gather feedback from my classmates. The responses were overwhelmingly positive, reflecting a shared appreciation for her teaching style and methods. One of my classmates, Dinda Nur, said:

From the first lecture, Kseniia's enthusiasm was contagious. She didn't just lecture us; she engaged us. Her use of real-world examples made the concepts so much easier to understand and apply. I've never felt so connected to the material in any other course.

Bioko Musa, an international student from Nigeria, echoed similar sentiments:

I've always found organizational management to be a dry subject, but Kseniia changed that for me. Her interactive sessions and the way she encouraged us to think outside the box made learning fun. I especially enjoyed the case studies and group projects. They allowed us to apply what we learned in a practical context.

Rudoolf Dzato, an international student from Ghana, who has a background in a different field, found Kseniia's approach particularly inclusive:

I was worried that my lack of experience in management would put me at a disadvantage. However, Kseniia's teaching style is very inclusive. She explains concepts in a way that's accessible to everyone, regardless of their background. Her patience and willingness to ensure everyone is on the same page are truly commendable.

Several students also highlighted the technological aspects of her teaching. A Russian classmate who decided to stay anonymous, mentioned:

Kseniia's use of technology in teaching was a game-changer. The virtual simulations and online resources she provided were incredibly helpful. They allowed us to see the immediate impact of our decisions and learn from our mistakes in a risk-free environment. It was a very effective way to learn complex concepts.

The feedback also revealed a common theme of respect and admiration for Kseniia’s adaptability and innovation. Personally, I appreciated Kseniia’s approachability and support. She was always available for questions and would often stay after class to help anyone who needed extra assistance. Her support made a big difference, especially during the more challenging parts of the course. Her focus on real-world application has been incredibly beneficial. The skills I developed in her class, like critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork, are exactly what I'll need in my future career. She has a way of making every lesson relevant to what we might face in the professional world.

Kseniia Boiko is not just a lecturer; she's a mentor and an inspiration. Her innovative teaching style has not only made learning enjoyable but has also prepared us to think creatively and critically in our future careers. She has set a high bar for what an educator can be.

Gathering this feedback was a heartening experience. It underscored how much Kseniia's dedication and innovative methods were appreciated by all of us. Her ability to connect with students, make complex subjects accessible, and foster an engaging learning environment has left a lasting impact. Her teaching methods were interactive and engaging. She encouraged discussions and debates, fostering an environment where every student felt valued and heard. She used technology in ways that were new to many of us, incorporating virtual simulations and online resources that enhanced our learning experience. These tools allowed us to experiment with ideas and see the immediate impact of different management strategies in a controlled, virtual setting. What stood out most to me and my classmates was her genuine passion for the subject and her commitment to our success. She was always approachable, ready to offer guidance, and eager to hear our thoughts and feedback. Her willingness to adapt her methods to better suit our needs showed her dedication to providing the best possible learning experience.

Reflecting on this semester, it's clear that Kseniia Boiko has made an indelible mark on my academic journey and that of my classmates. Her innovative teaching style, enthusiasm, and genuine commitment to our learning have transformed the way we approach the subject of organizational management. Kseniia's ability to bring theoretical concepts to life through real-world examples, interactive sessions, and cutting-edge technology has not only deepened our understanding but also sparked a newfound passion for the subject. The feedback from my peers consistently highlights how her methods have made learning more engaging, accessible, and relevant to our future careers.

What stands out the most is Kseniia's approachability and willingness to go the extra mile to support us. Whether it was staying after class to help with difficult topics or incorporating our feedback to improve her teaching methods, she always put our needs first. Her dedication has created an inclusive and supportive learning environment where every student feels valued and heard. As I look forward to my future career, I feel more prepared and confident, thanks to the skills and knowledge I gained in Kseniia's class. Her focus on practical application and critical thinking has equipped us with the tools we need to succeed in the professional world. More than just a lecturer, Kseniia has been a mentor and an inspiration, showing us the true impact of innovative teaching.

Writing this article has been a wonderful opportunity to express my gratitude and admiration for Kseniia Boiko. She has set a high standard for educators and has shown us the difference that passionate and innovative teaching can make. I am confident that her influence will continue to inspire future students and shape the academic community at HSE St. Petersburg. She exemplifies the qualities of an exceptional educator. Her first venture into teaching master's students has been nothing short of remarkable, leaving a lasting impression on all of us. I feel privileged to have been her student and look forward to applying the lessons learned in her class to my future endeavors. 

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Samuel Ayuk Enowmanyi