Летняя школа сравнительного права
Приглашаем принять участие в Летней школе сравнительного права, 24-30 сентября 2013. Срок подачи заявок – 3 июня 2013.
Приглашаем принять участие в Летней школе сравнительного права, 24-30 сентября 2013. Срок подачи заявок – 3 июня 2013.
The course aims to give an overview on different legal systems and their approach to intellectual property law.
Time: September 24th – 30th 2013.
Place: Vilnius
Organisation: European Humanities University, German Studies Center (Vilnius)
Partner: Mykolas-Romeris-University, Faculty of Law, European Humanities University, Faculty of Law
Support: German Academic Exchange Service
Prerequisites: the course is intended for BA/MA students studying Law, Political Science, European studies or other relevant subjects and coming from EU, Belarus, Russia, and other East European countries.
Participants are expected to have some basic knowledge in legal theory and a certain interest for the given topic.
Course fee: 275 Lt (80 Euro). NB: board, lodging and transport are not included. Romeris University can provide student accommodations and meals (EHU student cafeteria) for low additional cost if needed.
Deadline for application: 3rd June 2013
Please send your application (containing your CV and a short letter explaining your motivation to participate as well as your expectations for the course) to comparativelaw@ehu.lt. If you have any questions concerning the course or would like to receive some additional information on course schedule or literature, please use the given e-mail adress.
You are also welcome to join our Facebook event at: https://www.facebook.com/events/448964728524595/?fref=tsДополнительная информация