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Regular version of the site
American Neocolonialism on the Soviet Cinema Screen (Based on Films About Latin America)

Клещенко Л. Л.

Вестник Волгоградского государственного университета. Серия 4: История. Регионоведение. Международные отношения. 2024. Vol. 29. No. 1. P. 77-86.

Book chapter
’Not what we want’: Why do (not) citizens use e-government services? Evidence from St. Petersburg, Russia

Arkatov D., Filatova O.

In bk.: ICEGOV '24: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance. NY: ACM, 2024. P. 201-208.

Working paper
Consensus or Constitution? - A Conceptual Perspective on the Legitimacy of Constitutional Courts in Consociations

Gál A.

OxonCourts Judicial Studies Graduate Colloquium. OxonCourts Judicial Studies Graduate Colloquium. University of Oxford, 2019

The second meeting of the Research Group seminar on youth councils and other forms of public participation was held on February 18, 2022

The second meeting of the Research Group seminar on youth councils and other forms of public participation was held on February 18, 2022

The second session of the Group workshop on research on youth councils and other forms of public participation took place on February 18 via zoom.

The first presentation on the topic "Ethnographic approach to the study of organizations and movements" was made by a 4th year student of the bachelor's program Alexandra Weisberg. Next, 4th year student Stanislav Kukartsev spoke about the course of his interaction with the Committee on Youth Policy of the Leningrad Region. The third speaker was the head of the Research Group, Alexander Sungurov, who told the participants about a very interesting and useful book by Ilya Steinberg "The Long Table Method in Qualitative Field Sociological Research" (Moscow: VTsIOM, 2021. - 300 p. (Pragmatic)).

In the second part of the seminar, at the suggestion of Daniil Tinyakov, three presentations were held with the results of a literature review on global e-participation practices and approaches to their analysis, prepared by second-year undergraduates of the Comparative Politics of Eurasia MP, who study global practices of digital civic participation as part of an internship at the Department of Political Science and international relations under the leadership of D. K. Tinyakov. Hussein Özdemir made a presentation on "Use of dıgıtal tools for publıc partıcıpatıon ın urban desıgn", Eleonora Shuli on "Civic participation on digital platforms" and Kennedy Lee on "Digital Participation and Civil Society in Europe".