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Regular version of the site
Terrorism and Political Contention. New Perspectives on North Africa and the Sahel Region

Atanasiu M., Besenyő J., Denisova T. S. et al.

Springer, 2024.

Operation of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria in the Official Russian Discourse

Issaev L., Bobarykina D.

Russian Politics. 2024. Vol. 9. No. 2. P. 289-313.

Book chapter
Introduction: Terrorism and Political Contention in North Africa and the Sahel Region

Issaev L., Korotayev A., Besenyő J.

In bk.: Terrorism and Political Contention. New Perspectives on North Africa and the Sahel Region. Springer, 2024. P. 1-17.

Working paper
Consensus or Constitution? - A Conceptual Perspective on the Legitimacy of Constitutional Courts in Consociations

Gál A.

OxonCourts Judicial Studies Graduate Colloquium. OxonCourts Judicial Studies Graduate Colloquium. University of Oxford, 2019

On may 17-18, the town of Adler hosted the all-Russian scientific conference with international participation "Politics in the network society"

On may 17-18, the town of Adler hosted the all-Russian scientific conference with international participation "Politics in the network society". Professor of the HSE Department of Political Science in St. Petersburg A.Y. Sungurov ("Expert community: from the expert - objective "device" to the initiative expertise") and PhD student K. A. Shamshura ("The Concept of state and public control over state institutions: an attempt of comparative analysis") took part in it and made presentations.