During the meeting, the different issues of the future collaboration were discussed
On March, 23, the graduate of Master programme "Finance" and the doctoral student of our department Andrey Yarygin successfully defended his doctoral research (the dissertation at the Candidate of Science degree in economics) "The modeling of innovative projects evaluation using real options approach"
Our master's programme includes the presentation of "Trading Game" in the Winter school curriculum. For future students it is an interesting attraction, but how present master students assess their participation in the game?
February, 4 and 5, mini-conference «Modern Finance: Risks, Challenges, Values» was held in our campus as a part of the Saint Petersburg International Research Forum
Russian and foreign professors reported their researches for students of Master Programme "Finance" at the session of International Students' Forum.
The article “Determination of an Optimum Premium Paid in M&A Transactions in Oil and Gas Section” written by Oksana Shevyakina, a student of the Master’s program “Finance”, and Varvara Nazarova, an associate professor of the Finance Department, was published in the fourth issue of the “Journal of Corporate Finance Research” in 2015. It is the second published article dealing with mergers and acquisitions that has become a result of the collaborative work of our students, graduates and, of course, university professors. Daria Luzina and Elena Rogova’s article has been published before.
December, 15, our campus hosted a workshop that was held by Irina Polezhaeva and Olga Baranova, ACCA representatives.
The lecturers at the Department of Finance conduct research in different fields. During the summer many of our staff members participated in international conferences and published their papers.
The Bachelor’s programme in Economics and the Master’s programme in Finance at HSE in St. Petersburg have successfully gained accreditation from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). Graduates of the bachelor’s programme will now be exempt from two and Graduates of the master’s programme, from four ACCA exams.
Several events related to the research and measurement of intellectual capital and their application in Russian business took place as part of the 16th HSE April Conference on Economic and Social Development.